Dope presentation for a puzzle game, but seems a little brutal. Also it seems harder than it should to precisely drop stuff. I would rather just play Tetris.


Does it have a Double Jump? Yes.

Crashed on PS3 emulator and corrupted my save. Seemed like a pretty simple licensed action game, but maybe fun enough to play through? I'll just have to wait to get it physical I guess.

Does it have a Double Jump? No, but it has a charge jump (doesn't fill that double jump scratch though).

Destroy All Humans 2 was a major childhood game for me and coming back I'm like ehhh. I now realize it is its own version of GTA clone, and thats cool, but its also kind of boring to play. The guns you get done feel very good for general combat and the movement is way too fucking slow (whether walking or flying the saucer). The casting for Crypto and Pox are great and its awesome when they are talking, and some jokes are funny. I really wanted to get to the last 2 levels because those are the ones that stuck out in my mind the most but I want to play other stuff.

I'm not sure if what I'm reviewing is some new sequel to this 2012 game, but im played the current mobile version of this

My phone installed 4 games on its own when i updated it, and every fucking game is some bullshit for you to play 2 types of gameplay. The second one was Match 3 on al FOUR of the games. Like fuck off man.

Does it have a double jump? Yes!
(New thing segment in my reviews)

After futzing about with a bunch of games, I finally realized I could play some 7th gen nostalgia with the ps3 emulator, and oh boy, was I ready for some slop. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is just the slop I needed. This game is fine and playable, just some unseasoned chicken you could eat.

Combat stays the same throughout really, although it does feel satisfying to do the same combos for a while, the game does start to get tiring towards the end. The levels aren't very entertaining because they consist of 3 government labs, an outdoor snowy section, and a bunch of ancient ruins in africa. The ancient ruins feel so trite for the 7th gen, and its no exception here because they aren't interesting. There is one more level, which is climbing a tower chasing Gambit, and its a little better, but still not very interesting.

There was one specific memory I had of this game where I got the final boss (Deadpool) caught in an infinite where he coudlnt fight back. All this mid led up to this moment

Also, the CG cutscenes look pretty good I think.

The combat is very repetitive, the bosses are middling, and the levels are mostly hallways and/or backtracking. I get to be Wolverine though and that's pretty dope.

Effacer: Hangman from the 25th Century is what it says it is, Hangman. You are tasked with being the "judge" for people the planet contracting you considers "criminals". This planet loves the written word so much, and if anyone ever dares to disgrace proper English, they will basically eviscerate them. The first speech really comes off like "these people have no respect for written langues and basically we are gonna murder them". You then "judge" these "criminals" by playing hangman. You can click a button that gives you a description of what they did wrong (ex: a pair of twins use double negatives in every sentence, someone who always talks in puns, and a person who always talks in the wrong tense) to give you "insight" on them. The game says you can judge these people how you want, but thats basically going "hmm, i will fail this Hangman puzzle on purpose", which makes you lose a round so it doesnt really feel like a real choice.

The highlight of the game is the wonky ass early 90's CG for a fucking hangman game. Also when you win a round of Hangman, the "criminals" get eviscerated in way too over the top ways. Check out this clip and thats probably all you really need.

The fact that the cutscenes have no music or voice acting is fucking insane to me, like they didn't even try with their giantess game. Stopped at the jet mission because its controls are rancid.

This is beautiful and quite frankley awesome, but I cannot fucking grasp pinball.

PC Version:

This is one of the most whiplashed I've been by nostalgia. This fucking game was crazy as a baby, but I don't even get a whiff of what I thought was cool about it now. The tutorials are so insufferably slow it is insane.

League Wild Rift is a fine version of League, and it has a lot of really good new things base League doesn't. It actually has onboarding and tutorialization with mechanics, even like a little quiz to make sure you understand some concepts. The models are generally better and you actually get to look at the models up close because you can set them to be your main menu and champion select has the models all standing there like HotS. They also look like they have some fun new skin lines exclusive to this version. Sometimes I feel like League is beholden to legacy skinlines and keep making more of them, and don't do fun one off skins that much anymore. Also just more quality of life stuff like thresholds that show you when you can last hit the minions (they use this shit for SOME champion ults in other stuff in base League, so I think they should add this to it too).

However, this is still a mobile game so actually playing it just feels worse than actual League. Using your thumb for all 4 of your abilities + summoner spells is quite frankly too much and makes it hard for those split second reactions you can attain in League. I'm sure you could get used to it, but idk if I would ever find it "good" feeling.

This shit has an insane amount of content and is a real fan service for jojo's, but I'm not interested in the first half of part 3 and the combat system also isn't very engaging (at the start anyways). It's very funny how uninvolved you are for being "The 7ths Stand User". Self insert stands to the side and says lines.

Story is short and its fun for that short time. There's an endless mode but I don't really like how it works. Visual style is a dope abomination of shit (positive). The bad guy's plan is raw. I love the codec girl's voice and its fucked up you can mute her.

Short and pleasant and barely pisses me off! Except Roiling Roller Isle is fucking stupid. Idk who told them to make lava one shot you again after Mario 64, but him bouncing is ass off it in that game was the best thing it has! Bowser kind of starts getting annoying towards the end so I just beat the game and missed out on some levels. Definitely more palatable to me than Odyssey or Galaxy so I hope they do something more with this.

It's fine? I can tell this was probably technically crazy when it originally came out, but like everything else is kind of just womp. The game kind of just feels like its 1 act of a larger story, just so short and left you wanting more(?), I think I could play more anyways. You just get to the end and its like "that was it? what was that?". That final FMV is fucking raw though.