This game experience. Absolutely not a common one. The gameplay is its own strange beast, a mix of active time battle with its own new quirks, like needing to manage positioning and current equipped weapons mid-battle. A ranking system makes the combat much more satisfying, with the better the rank, the higher the EXP gained.

The story is on its surface not super innovative, but some late twists and its impressive presentation makes it really memorable.

In general, that's what this game is. Impressive and horrifically ambitious for what it is. This game has an hour and a half of FMV stretched across 4 discs.It's fully 3-d modeled and voice acted in an era that rarely reached such heights. If you can set up a way to experience Saga, do so if not solely for what an esoteric masterpiece it is.

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absolutely average inti creates game tbh

Copen is a blast and is more fun than GV's base gameplay imo. However I think it's split structure doesn't really help the game much, esp since it wants you to play the boss rush and final boss what, twice? to get to see all the bosses?

Competes with the first game as my favorite of the trilogy. (Sorry, spyro 2. you were just tedious.) A lot of the side challenges kind of suck, but the rest of the game is rather pleasant.

Completely awful as a game. Serves as a baffling time capsule of its time, where it was deemed acceptable to just dub over a JP film, add QTEs and fake choose your own adventure elements (you die if you make the wrong choice), and call it a day.

Just plain trash, or a subversive masterpiece?

This game kind of sucks to play but I feel like that's the intention. Mort the Chicken feels like an elaborate yet simple joke that you just don't get. It's humor is drenched in irony. It's seemingly mocking general hero narrative stories take oh so often. If this came out a decade or two later as a low budget Steam indie game, it'd have a cult following, I think.

Probably the weakest of the 3 Katamari's I've played? It looks the prettiest of the 3, besides maybe Reroll. This is merely just a recreation of previous games' levels, that stretches on for a liiiiiiil bit too long. It doesnt' add much of anything meaningful on top of the base gameplay besides a jump, which is regrettably motion control-based. However, the basic, peaceful gameplay is still intact, just in a slightly less inspired form.

Simply complicated. It's plagued by Nintendo's general shitty attitude concerning mario spinoff series and also just RPGs in general, being a game that feels like its desperately trying to be more than its allowed to be.

The combat is something that stays the same and becomes stale rather quickly. Regular fights are treated almost identically from the start of the game to the end, with a lack of new spins added to it. As soon as I unlocked it, I had to turn on the option to display circles of where things should be at the end of turn just to make it tolerable.

Everything other than the gameplay? Simply stellar. The game is gorgeous, the music is as whimsical as it is energetic, and the story? The story and general writing is shockingly the best part of the game. It's genuinely worth playing the game for alone, I think.

A game with interesting mechanics, however it's over before you know it, with an almost mindlessly easy difficulty that randomly shifts to being frustrating at the most sudden of points.

In a word: Difficult. Abrasively obtuse and difficult. My first attempt at playing this game was completely miserable. Later on, I just blazed through this on the collection's Rookie Hunter mode, which as you can imagine made it trivial.

So I'm at a crossroads. The baseline mechanics are pretty fun, with fluid movement and all sorts of weapon options. But the actual levels and bosses and GAME here is just miserable, and I don't want to play it 70 times to make it more tolerable.

It's sad too. I started Zero 2, but stopped, even though I was having a much better time. And I can thank this horrifically rough first entry for that.

A... fine remake. Absolutely not worth some of the vitriol it's gotten. It's a slightly more mechanically solid game, but it's also a fair bit buggier. I might have accidentally played it pre-patched somehow, but a major bug was that I could instantly complete any "collect X things" spatula just by beating one of them, then warping straight to the new one, and the game is tricked into thinking I did the new one, giving me the spatula.

The base game itself is a decent collectathon, however it's difficulty feels rather steep, with the endgame levels like Kelp Forest particularly being miserable, with the fun Dutchman's Graveyard being an exception.

However, I believe part of this remake's backlash lives in how rushed some of it feels, and the legacy the gaming community built up for the original as an amazing licensed game, where's it's just. Good! A Satisfactory remake of a good 7/10 game. And that's fine. Not everything has to be a world-smashing success, hell it's better for things to be that way.