A friend of mine got me into Ace Attorney so as a token of my gratitude i got him into Danganronpa.

He now kins junko and I'm starting to think I went wrong somewhere.


Removing the cast i came to know and love in the original Fate/Stay Night was a risky move and I'll admit it must've been hard how much courage was needed to make such a move.
HOWEVER removing everything established in the first visual novel as well was such an awful move getting rid of the holy grail war the masters and servants and basically any sense of worldbuilding established in the 3 routes of Fate/Stay Night was such an awful move i cannot forgive them for that.

Final rating:

Checkpoints are locations in a video game where a player character respawns after death. Characters generally respawn at the last checkpoint that they have reached.


It's the only word that comes to my mind when describing this game. Is it actually perfect? Fuck no lmao, the game is riddled with all kinds of bugs and crashes. Yet why is this game so perfect in my eyes that despite all the bugs, despite all the times I was stuck in a loading screen and was forced to lose progress, why do I love this game so damn much? The answer dare I say is actually pretty simple. It's the dedication and passion of Obsidian for this game that lets me see past the loading screens past the crashes past everything. Yes that line was cringy but I don't really care there needs to be shown some respect for the developers and what they have created, a game where you are completely free to do what you want, be who you want and go where you want. This game honestly hits it right out of the park, all the way from the game giving you the tools to accomplish being who you want to also granting you various choices in quests that will leave you second guessing testing how you or the character you have created would act in a situation like that and the game almost always will end up leaving you with that feeling of uneasiness, that feeling of not being sure if you did the right (or wrong) thing, I absolutely adore stuff like that.

The characters are also well made making for some fun interactions just by seeing the type of people living in this post apocalyptic wasteland just trying to live their every day lives to the best of their abilities.
The companions are a treat, they all have their own backstories personalities, likes and dislikes and will even give you quests to further progress their own story its brilliant, its beautiful no longer are you trusty companions just that one npc carrying your stuff, you actually start to care for them.

The factions are all really good (although Caesars legion is prob my least favourite of all of them) each one of them having their advantages for if you choose them to be the best choice for the mojave, while also possessing just as many disadvantages.

The DLC are also all amazing all of the containing their own story that just leads up to one of the best final confrontations in a videogame period. However I believe I'll go in depth about those perhaps another day

Final rating:
Masterpiece / 10

I really want to go on about how much I love this game but no matter how many times I rethink this review I just can't put it into words, please play this game trust me you are not going to regret it.

The best fighting game i have experienced so far.
Containing a gigantic cast of characters to choose from with each one of them being well made and fun in their own way you will definetely find a character that suits your taste.

The online, while its not filled to the brim with players right now if you find someone to play with trust me you will have a good time the online is amazing you will barely ever notice any lag and makes for a really fun experience when facing against friends.

I cooked some eggs with how fried my pc became after playing this game

RE2 is really fun game just like RE1 both making for some amazing games and I absolutely adore the style of these games.

First things first, The police building. It is such a joy to explore and an upgrade to the mansion from RE1. I absolutely love the atmosphere of the building and some of the tragic stories you learn while exploring every nook and cranny of this building, for example Leon's desk filled with party hats and decorations and notes welcoming Leon to the team but instead of smiles around you it's just the zombified remains of your coworkers all of them out to kill you. I liked stuff like that even if they are kind of scarce.
While the police building was amazing and really fun to explore, I do feel like the game did drop in quality after leaving the police building to escape but that part was still fun nonetheless, albeit not on the same level as that feeling of exploring the police building for the first time.

Next up, it's the combat, which has also gone up a bit by filling the rooms with more zombies and more difficult variants to deal with but at the same time hitting that perfect balance where you're getting swarmed by zombies while also having a chance to fight back if you have the means (which you probably will since this game has ammo everywhere lmao).
Mr. X for Claire's campaign was also scary and a real threat the first few times but he just stops being a threat after the 3rd time he appears because you can just find ways to avoid him by that point while also being loaded with bullets and such which just gets rid of any panic and fear he made you feel at the start which was kind of disappointing.

The voice acting also got an upgrade and by that I mean instead of sounding like a parody, everyone now sounds like a Spiderman 2 NPC.

This game was honestly a fun ride from start to finish and this game is a must play for anyone who enjoyed RE1 no doubt about it.

Snatcher, a visual novel I've been hearing about constantly lately be it from my friends or me looking up more info about this game just to get a clue as to what I'm getting myself into and after finishing it yesterday I thought I'd write my thoughts on the game.

This game was honestly a pretty fun experience, I love investigations and such in videogames so I was hooked from the start as well as the whole sci-fi theme of the game (I know its heavily inspired by Blade Runner but I've never seen the movie so I apologize in advance). However, as fun the theme of investigating is this game can honestly make the process a bit annoying from time to time, for example in the first act there's a part where you just have to keep going back and forth having to use a PC with info on whatever person you want to know more about and the game just keeps asking you questions over and over forcing you to keep going back and forth to that computer room if you haven't memorized or written all that stuff out, thankfully its only in act 1 where that happens after that it never happens again. My other issue with the investigation are the investigation and look options, they could've easily just been one single option and it would've saved me from a lot of hassle I had to go through while looking for clues on how to progress the story, like after investigating a piece of evidence i should not have to look at it again to take it with me that was just a waste of time but that isn't a huge deal and you get used to doing that. Aside from that the investigation is fine with some fun puzzles making you thing every now and then where even if you got no clue what you are supposed to do the game will eventually give you hints as to what you have to do so its fine.

Next I'd like to talk about the characters, they were honestly likable, Gillian is a really cool protagonist and it's fun to see how he handles every situation, the same can be said for the side characters too, they get some (sadly not as much as they deserve) of the spotlight and they were honestly fun to chat with. Now this is the point where I also have to mention the voice acting, my god seeing as i was playing a Sega CD game i did NOT expect this game to have voice acting this good and the quality was good too, I was honestly suprised by how much care and effort went into every single line recorded and props to everyone for managing such a thing.

Finally the thing I should've talked about first the story.
It's a pretty fun ride, it kept me hooked always speculating what exactly would happen in the next scene, act 2 was personally my favourite I did not stop playing throughout that whole act and I finished it one sitting. It was a pretty enjoyable ride and I don't have any complaints about the story writing.

Snacther is a pretty fun ride with an enjoyable cast and story that is sadly in my opinion a bit too short to fully flesh out the characters and make me care enough about them, however I would still recommend you to play it nonetheless, this was my first Hideo Kojima game and I really want to see what stories that man has in store for me in the future.

Writing reviews cause I'm bored in class is the only way to get me motivated to type all this stuff out.

I'm going to fail my exams cause i'll be too busy playing this game

Yamazaki is the source of all problems in life my wife didnt leave me HE fed her a bunch of bs and made her leave you took everything from me Yamazaki i will hunt you down.

I played a fighting game for its story

This game lets me punch teachers