This was my first experience with a Touhou fangame (of the shmup type anyways). Honestly, it was good fun

Difficulty curve was just right, there were some interesting ideas and patterns thrown around, and the gimmick of the game was neat. Nice music, interesting plot (with a finale that reminded me too much of Undertale for some reason)

My only real complaint, and this is gonna sound very petty, would be the bullet designs and the pickups. I had such a hard time trying to discern what was what and ended up close to dying a couple of times because of that. I beat it on my first go on Easy, and this might just be a skill issue, but it's my only gripe with it.

This game was my first 2D arcade style fighter game.

It taught me that 2D arcade style fighter games are not my thing

Damn, where was this Dante in DMC1? Wise cracking and wayyyy more acrobatic and fun to play

I wouldn't consider this one of the greatest games of all time like many other people do. It's good fun, but the game kinda expects you to know the combat loop at first before starting to be good at the game, which I never liked in games. Still, once you get the hang of it, it's nice

Story is actually nice this time. It's over the top, but I loved it. Vergil, Dante's brother, steals the fucking show with a great performance. It's a little weird and sad to me how Vergil was meant to be dead, as DMC1 stated, but god am I happy they retconned that because he's just such a good character to watch (and play!). Dante is a great rewrite as well, so much more enjoyable than what I experienced with DMC1 Dante.

My main gripe would be styles. In this game, you can only have one style at a time. I stuck with Trickster the whole way because I like being safer, but Swordmaster was fun to use to. It just sucks that you don't have access to all of them like future games, as would've liked to try everything at the same time. I'm pretty sure I didn't even equip Gunslinger to try it out at least.

Shoutouts to Brazil for having a Master System port of this game it made it slightly more bearable

My gripes with the original game are still present, but this is a remaster and not a remake so yeah

Goddamn I'd never thought I'd see the day where this game will get a graphical update. It's genuinely beautiful to look around in this game, and it surprises me how smooth it runs on the Switch
Shoutouts to Nintendo for keeping this game in the dark so well, the excitement and shock I had in the Direct was exceptional

This game is a really fun time. More so if you're a fan of the series already

This game's multiplayer is optional but I feel it's one of those games where the best experience comes from playing with a friend.

Character work is fantastic, plot is good, soundtrack is really bopping (almost same level as DS2 imo). Level design is very wack though. For his debut, Strife is fantastic to play as and a great character. War is also great, plays miles better than DS1 and has a little more personality thanks to Strife's quips.

However, there's so many little bugs and errors with this game. We ran into a lot of collision bugs when playing, subtitles in animated cutscenes are super out of sync with the events, in game cutscenes have double spaces and spelling mistakes in the subtitles, and I'm convinced that F11 to toggle fullscreen is a developer debugging tool that was left over (The application title is also called by its codename "ProjectMayhem")

People say this game is the easiest in the franchise and yeah I beat it in less than half an hour with 10+ continues on my first go

I don't care what anyone says. This game did not age well. Banger soundtrack might be the only compliment I'll give to this game.

Plot? What plot? You get attacked by a woman that resembles the protag's mother, she asks for help, abandons you, and then nothing happens until the end. Anyone who ships Dante and Trish are fucking weirdos that need special care.

Gameplay? Product of its time. Combat is incredibly basic, as you have only two types of melee weapons that have a long ass switching animation that forces you keep playing one or the other to be safe, and the combos themselves are pretty basic. Devil Trigger is easy to refill and basically a "I win" button. Being that this game is a Resident Evil 4 prototype that was modified, the game has fixed camera angles. It's horrendous to fight, as enemies can still attack outside of your view. That final fight with Griffon? Fuck that

Honestly, start with DMC 3 or 5. Play this game out of curiosity, and use this video to make your playthrough more bearable and fun. Trust me, Shotgun twitching and Grenade rolling is busted.

Nothing says Gotta Go Fast like autoscrolling

Also holy shit the slowdowns. I'd say play the Game Gear version, but then you can't see most of what's ahead of you

I would say this version is still playable except for the jank ass bosses

Give me a re-release you cowards

These games just continue to make my jaw drop. Kiwami 2 is an excellent remake to a good sequel. While I have some issues with how some characters were handled, the story is crazy good

After playing 0 and K1, the new Dragon Engine combat might put you off a bit. No style switching to be seen here, just your unupgraded Dragon style. Trust me when I say this, but grind. You'll slowly come to terms with the new combat, and it's fun

A really fun game, if a little broken! To be fair, ZUN did state he did not balance this game, and it shows (not that I'm complaining).

The gimmick this time around is capitalism ability cards. Point drops are replaced with coins, and finishing a stage grants you a chance at using them to buy abilities from other characters in the series. This can lead to some extremely broken combinations that can make the game a breeze. Should you choose to not get anything, I'd say the game is nice in difficulty, nothing feels unfair

Plot's neat and the OST is great. Best Extra stage theme so far (though I die in seconds at those)

It's really just UFO but done better.

Collecting animal spirits is your gimmick this time around, and it's handled way much better. For once, there's no consequence to getting the wrong combination, as the game will still give you an invulnerability state akin to PCB's cherry system no matter what you collect. That aside, I still find that getting the right combination (3 or more of the same spirits) is your best chance at survival, as this game is tough. Enemies were made tankier and take longer to die, so dealing more damage is crucial in playing this game.

Hot damn, there's barely any life drops in this game. Your best chance at getting them is getting the special spirits from midbosses, but they're rather cryptic in how you get them, and some characters or animal spirit choice may ruin your chances at getting them.

The plot is one of the more insane ones in this franchise, and the OST is really neat and fits the mood greatly. Not one I'd recommend to people starting this series