I’ve been playing this game since it came out and major updates aren’t very common (there’s been a whole section of the game not done since it released) but where the game now is great
It’s allot of fun and the gacha element dose suck but with free characters being given out from time to time and how easy it is to get high level characters I think it’s fine
Story is fun, I’m a huge Iron Maiden fan so seeing Albums as levels and characters from said albums is so cool
I’d say play it just for the crossovers if anything I feel like it has more love and care put into it than most mobile RPGs tbh
Also if your a Maiden fan you’ll love it, Up the Irons 🤘

I feel like this game gets overshadowed by the other Lisa games since it isn’t in that new Lisa collection and has never been re-released and that’s a damn shame because this is a really tough gut punch of a game that has allot of amazing metaphorical world building
Game play wise there’s not much to write home about but if your playing this it’s for the story
I’d say for sure play it if your a fan of the other games and haven’t played this one yet

Super fun and positive point and click adventure
The game has some super weird moments too, the twist at the end is bonkers but I love it, some of the puzzles are admittedly kinda hard but I only got stuck like twice, also helps you can complete the game in any order you want
For sure play this if you like point and click games or if your feeling down

Hate to admit this game is kinda fun, seeing Ultraman fight alongside Godzilla and Evangelion Angels is wild and very entertaining
Ads are optional too so that’s a huge plus for a mobile game (and it’s free) my only complaints are leveling up monsters takes forever because you never really get allot of coins, like I have way more gems than coins it’s super unbalanced and how long it takes to find a match
Other than that it’s a solid mobile game, probably the best mobile Godzilla game?? Not that it means allot

A solid short game where you don’t play as Godzilla
This has allot more in common with the old King Kong game as you play as humans during a Kaiju attack, I think that’s a perfect way to do a Kaiju game and honnestly wish we’d get more of it
The game is incredibly short as it’s just a teaser for Godzilla 2014 but if it was longer and more fleshed out I think it would’ve been amazing

Fun level design and bosses, though without the Spindash this game kinda blows
Sonic 2 is much better

Peak 2D Sonic, playing this just feels fun and bouncy
Plus you can play as Knuckles and cheese the game, it’s great
Literally the only flaw is the Half Pipe special stages, easily the worst special stage in the series I don’t know why they keep bringing it back

Probably the worst of the original DKC trilogy but it’s not that bad, bosses are fun, levels are fun (most of the time) but the game is held back by annoying gimmicks
I actually enjoy the useless collectibles since I like collectathons but I can see why people don’t enjoy it considering the absurd amount this game has
The game also has a kind of creepy aura too it, the giant saw levels and factory music really creep me out for some reason

Minecraft but more RPG-ish

Terraria’s biggest flaw is it’s really annoying progression and hard early game, but if you can get past that there’s a load of fun challenges and stuff to do
Collecting items and beating bosses on different difficulties really adds to the replayability to the game
I’m still forever mad Ocram isn’t in the modern versions

Dog I’m never getting to Gryll

A dumb fun puzzle game with great music and a very big difficulty spike midway through, my score would be higher if there was more levels or a more lax difficulty increase because it gets near impossible at Dedede

Super Meat Boy in Hell

Genuinely one of the best horror platformers out there, amazing visuals and a great soundtrack
If you do play this I highly suggest the PC version as it includes three bonus games if you can solve the puzzles in the games files and solving them is super rewarding
I can’t recommend this enough

I wish I could’ve payed money for this

The Gnarly visuals and great music add allot to this game to make it unique, I do think the game is a bit too hard but I’m also playing it on a shitty laptop so it might just be me
What really makes this game worth it to me is the ARG elements after you beat it, there’s a handful of puzzles to solve and it even includes two bonus games! The puzzles are pretty straightforward and super rewarding if you can solve them
I’ll also add the creators manifesto rings true and I suggest you give it some thought once you find it

I can see why these levels where cut

So to start of I played through this as Luigi and it makes the game allot more harder than it already is because it makes every level an ice level
The level design goes from really good to super bad often and the water physics as Luigi are super rough, and don’t even get me started on the warp pipe that sends you back to the first level
The game is hard but not impossible, it’s just not very fun

Frogs, Bugs, and Politics

I think it’s best to go into this game blind as it makes the surrealist humor more effective but gameplay wise the game is kinda boring and a bit of a slog at times, which is why I’m grateful they have a level select
If you like weird games this is for you, but if your more into gameplay than story than I recommend it

Needs more horror

As a fan of the original Popgoes Arcade games I think this is an amazing update to them and fully fleshes them out, it retains allot of scares from the originals but with a new twist to fit the lore of Evergreen, although I do think it needed more scares other than that it’s a really fun RPG