I hate Eggplants

A super solid platformer that I feel gets overlooked often for its jank, like honestly I’d give it a higher score if it wasn’t for those Labyrinth levels and the Eggplant Wizards, other than that I think it’s pretty good, not enough vertical platformers out there I feel like it’s a good way to shake up the gameplay of a genre that’s usually played horizontal


I don’t play allot of visual novels but I really dig this one, great art style and audio design throughout
As someone who has Autism and struggles with going to a crowded store I can sort of relate to the main characters struggle with such a simple task as getting Milk (obviously she have very different problems than that but still) but it’s a very personal game, makes you sad, it’s a great little experience and I’m for sure playing the sequel

They call him Rock because he’s really heavy

Probably the weakest of the original NES Megaman games solely due to the psychics being horrible and really bad enemy placement, the weapons and music are solid and it’s fun to play, definitely not the hardest game in the world but still kinda challenging just made more harder because of the jank

Nice >:]

A more refined version of the first game that makes the old one feel incomplete (probably because it’s missing 2 Robot Masters) with even better music and iconic bosses, if you somehow haven’t played this and you like run and guns it’s a must

The best one

This is my personal favorite Megaman game because it has a solid story and introduces Protoman and Rush.
I think the soundtrack is also one of the best in the series, (Needle Man and the ending song are peak) and is the most fun to play, however Magnet Man’s stage can die, it’s the only level I think is completely unfair in its difficulty other than that though I think the game is perfect

Megaman fun sized

A pretty solid “port”(?) of the first 2 Megaman games with really cool bonus bosses and levels and new weapon, if your a fan of the series and haven’t tried it out I highly suggest it
Sure the smaller screen doesn’t help (and this game in particular has it bad) but if you’ve played enough Megaman games I’m sure you’ll do fine


Another pretty solid entry with a good story and really good Robot Master designs (Skullman being my favorite) and again great music
The final levels are fun and the castle designs go really hard

When the Apple is Bad

Pretty solid Shmup with funny dialogue and silly characters, the older Touhou games really hold up tbh, plus the music is great

I miss Reimu’s purple hair..

So this is just Breakout but like really good, very different than the later Touhou games but there’s still allot of elements in this that have become staples in the series
I say play this if you really like Breakout

Protomans a bad guy?

Probably my third favorite of the classic Mega Man games? I absolutely love the Darkman/Protoman Castle stages, the music and level design and art is peak
I do think the Robot Masters are kinda forgetful and lame but the final stages and music more than make up for it

Alright this is getting silly

Probably the most fun Mega Man game solely due to the amount of silly shit Rock can do in it, the plot is also pretty unique (though the Robot Masters might be a bit dated) and the weapons are fun to use
Definitely not my favorite but it’s not a bad game at all

Mega Man but slow and chunky

I don’t know what it is but this is like the slowest Mega Man game ever, Rock just doesn't feel as fast as he did in the old games (thankfully this was fixed in 8) and his sprite is just too big
There’s some solid stages and music but I think X was a much better step up when it comes to bringing Mega Man to a new console

You can call me Handsome Guy

So this is just classic Mega Man but with the controls of the X series and I’m all for it, great music and bosses, fun levels, awesome story and corny cutscenes I love it
Yes Jump Jump, Slide Slide is awful, it’s probably one of the worst designed Mega Man stages ever tbh but it’s doable, it’s like the disappearing blocks in Ice Man and Magnet Man’s stages, super cheap and annoying but everything else makes up for it
I’ll forever love this game for blessing us with Dr. Wahwee

It’s like going back in time

This game is like a huge love letter to the original series and it’s great, the soundtrack is great Galaxy Man’s stage theme specifically goes incredibly hard
Plus you get to play as Protoman!! Love that guy

It’s a crime this game hasn't been ported to the Switch

A super fun Nintendo themed party game that also can be played single player, probably one of the most underrated Wii U games tbh
Really my only complaint are the reliance on gyro controls when in the Hubworld