I caught wind of this game a couple years after it came out. Decided to catch up on what I missed in the Sonic world of games and I fell in love with Sonic Mania. It is my favorite 2D Sonic game. It is a beautiful game that brings back the retro Sonic style combined with amazing new music and gameplay and truly feels like a love letter to Sonic fans.

It is a bit disappointing that 2023 was such a big year for games because it means that this really great game got overlooked and overshadowed. Survivor improves upon Fallen Order in many ways, most importantly, the combat. The addition of the new lightsaber styles allows for different builds and different approaches of playing the game. You also get another solid story that is really acted out very well and Cameron Monaghan steals the show as Cal Kestis. I can't wait to see what they do in the third game.

God of War Ragnarok is every bit worth the hype it was given. It is grand and epic, yet poetic and beautiful. I love God of War 2018, and I am so glad this game continued Kratos' story in such a great way. This game is also very immersive and it's honestly a disservice if you're playing on anything else besides the PS5. Ragnarok is fantastic.

It took me a bit to get to the Uncharted series and I had a blast with each and every single one of these games. There is not a single bad game in this entire series. But when I got to Uncharted 4, I wasn't expecting what I got. I was hearing this game was amazing and it is, but you don't know that until you get to play it yourself. The ending they give Nathan Drake is extremely fun, beautiful, and action-packed. I love how Nathan Drake gets his happy ending after all those years of fighting and adventuring around the world.

This is the definitive version of Cyberpunk 2077. Playing through this game the first time and then getting to this expansion story really made me wish that the launch went so much better for this game because the story that was crafted is a work of art. I understand it might not be working for everyone but if it did for you, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

I hadn't heard of Telltale and I didn't really much care for The Walking Dead as a franchise. The most experience I had was playing the crossbow arcade game with my mom and sister. So when my sister showed me she had gotten this game for my Xbox 360 and told me I needed to try it out, I was hesitant. When I sat down to play it, I fell in love. Of course, Telltale games are not super in-depth gameplay wise, so you're there for the story. Well, this game has one of the best written stories ever. This first season was brilliant and even if it wasn't the first ever to do this kind of story, it's definitely one of the best. The emotion, characters, decisions, voice acting, all of it; come together to make this heartwrenching and soul crushing game.

I didn't know what to expect coming off of DmC 2. I was let down with how stagnant the gameplay was and was really hoping this game would be an improvement. In every way imaginable, it was. It still holds up surprisingly well gameplay wise although a remake with the DmC 5 graphics wouldn't hurt at all. I love the combat in this game, you have so much variety in what you can do for combos. Dante is just such a wild character and everything that takes place is just a wild ride that is an amazing time.

Now that I've had time to sit with what transpired in this game, I feel like the hype has died down and I did overblow it in my initial reaction. The game is still very good, but not perfect. I think Insomniac definitely played it safe for what they could do although it's safe to say they have perfected Spider-Man web swinging. The story is on par with the first and the way Venom is used is honestly pretty unique to how he's used in other Spider-Man stories. Very fun time, hoping the third game will be the best.

I know the reception to RE3-make was mixed considering how amazing RE2 remake was but Capcom absolutely knocks it out of the park again with RE4 remake. I know a lot of fans were nervous they wouldn't be able to pay service to the original, but this game modernizes everything so perfectly from the original RE4. The new mechanics are much more friendly for newer players compared to the tighter controls of the original. It keeps all of its RE charm and cheese and the execution is so well-done. All I'm left wondering now is if they're going to remaking RE5 and 6.