This game is fun the mechanics are awesome and just a great way to waste time

I really appreciated what this game tried to do I wish it was a bit longer tho difficulty was really spot on and made you play smart quite often

This is a game that honestly is unique enough were you get a great surprise from it

Super enjoyable and can just keep playing it iver and over

Man the story in this one is so fun and the designs of the pokemon are great I don't get the hate

The music is also exceptional just love this one so much

I wish I didn't play this it's a shit show with a story so undirected it feels like a kid made it up

It took me a bit to warm up to it at the start as it was such a big change and I loved rapture

But man is it another absolute hit with an incredible plot twist losing the horror aspect was a bit weird for me but didn't hurt it at all

Man the best in the series and a top 5 game

It done everything 1 did but better even story
And the powers oh how damn good they are

This game is fun I wish it was more fleshed out tho cause it has a lot more potential the combat needs a touch up and look the story well anything would be better

A Game about donut shaped holes and raccoons how is that not a good game

On replay this game lost half a score it's a quick relaxing and fun game but it's not that special and loses its appeal quickly the story is really average as well

But this is legit a great puzzle game that's just fun and entertaining

I genuinely enjoyed this as a spin-off and it made both Chloe and Nadine a lot more fleshed out and interesting

Also a really cool villian and sets

This is as good as the original I loved every second of playing this game it's such a great Remaster

I was let down by parts of Platinum the gyms weren't memorable for me and the league wasn't really a challenge but nonetheless a fantastic game I love it

This games story was exceptional but personally it wasn't the star of it

The world itself is just wow the beauty it has the music is insane and riding through a forest with Cherry blossoms is genuinely beautiful

A surprising and incredible story with some really creepy and tense situations that painting creature haunts me still

This games story was really fleshed out the gameplay was decent but it didn't need to be anything better then that tbh

The story and world just feel so refreshing