We're so not back. We've never been more not back omfg I hate 343.

I thought it was really cute when they high-fived

Somehow one of the most memorable and enjoyable RPGs I've ever seen. Manages to polish the originals art to perfection and creates a unique progression loop without exp. Keeps combat interesting with odd skills and it's really fun to learn how to exploit the game. Then out of nowhere turns into like 3 other games. Everyone should play these 2 games to really understand how incredible they are.

Very surreal experience start to finish and an odd way I started my year back in 2021. Kinda wish we got more of these short experimental games

Best modern FE. How was Berkut that good? Shoulda been the main villain imo

Still have to replay all these to pick my favorite.
It's probably 3 though.

I can't believe this is what those signs at parks mean if you let your dog off it's leash!

Somehow and oddly satisfying conclusion to the MGS series even though MGS4 already did that...

[The End is never shitpost review]

Silly little game about collecting items in space.

Chris Christodoulou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcPVoldmOY0

Lame ass battlepass but it had a lot going for it

Wacky woohoo pizza man deals with depression and infighting while the disabled orphan and Hot Topic loiterer fuck off