Played on Switch

What a fun motorcycle game! It has fun gameplay and it runs pretty smooth. For me personally, it doesn't get boring. I do think there could've been more tracks which Vs fixes but it's still a fun game nonetheless.


Played on Switch

What an upgrade from the first! It adds more tracks and a qualifying lap that adds to the fun. It runs better than the first Excitebike and it's really just a better game.


I mean, for what it was I had a good time. For a game that's only a dollar, you can't expect Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot. For the nine levels it had it was cool. The vibe I got from it was a mix of an actually good Roblox game with N64 graphics and layout and a good soundtrack. It has a sense of charm to it that I wasn't expecting. I also thought there was good detail with ice mechanics and moving vehicles to jump on which made it appear that the developers actually tried with it instead of making a cheap game for a buck. My issue is that I wish there was more to do. You're just running and jumping while collecting stars. You can't attack enemies. You can only avoid them. You can't get powerups. You can't collect anything except stars and there is no reward for collecting them all besides a stamp on the level. I also think the last level was anticlimactic. You can't hover over it at all so it seems like a big deal, when it's one of the easier levels in the game. In the end, for what it is I had a good half hour playing it. It's a dollar game so I can't expect anything great, so with me spending my Gold Points on it and really not paying anything, it was worth the time.


You know what? I am a fan of a franchise with games that are a buck each! When is 3 releasing???? I would totally recommend this game. It improves upon a lot of things from the first, but there is one thing it didn't do. I'll get that out of the way. It was too easy. The first game had a challenge with those annoying moving vehicles you have to jump on and some of the levels were harder. This game doesn't have as much of a challenge and most of the levels don't have moving platforms to jump on. I also think it needed a bit more variety. It did introduce something new that wasn't in the first, but when it comes to the platforms, it's generic. The first had ice to run on and more things like that, but this game doesn't really have much of that. I like the added green jump shooter though. If it wasn't there this game would've been bland. But other than that I enjoyed it. I think the game fixed my problem with the ending of the first where it actually has a boss fight giving the game a nice climax. I also thought that the game ran a bit smoother than the previous one. My biggest improvement though is there is more than running and jumping. The first game was only that along with collecting stars, but there wasn't much else. This one had an attack when you walk through the green wire where you can attack enemies. It gives you something else to do. Obviously there is the boss fight too, but in the main levels it added something. I think that if the developers combined this and Toree 3D, with some improvements in difficulty and variety with 2, then this could've been a nice two hour game. That could fix my problem with the end of 3D and the problems with 2. In the end, for a buck it was great and I made way too long a review for a one dollar indie game on Switch. I highly recommend this and Toree 3D. Release Toree 3!


It's nothing great, but it's still a lot of fun. It's the type of game you'd play when you have five minutes so you just play it because it's on AARP's website. I recommend playing.


I like these older arcade games. They're extremely simple games but I enjoy playing them when I don't have much time on my hands. Centipede is no exception. It's just shooting at random blocks trying to get as high a score as possible but I enjoyed playing it!


This is by far the best Kirby game I have played. It's the best of the platforms and the best of the franchise! A compilation of games might seem a bit risky, but this game nailed it on all nine of the games. From short but sweet minigames like Gourmet Race and Samurai Kirby to classic mini platforms like Great Cave Offensive and Milky Way Wishes. I had fun with all of them. They were all unique, but still felt like Kirby games. It's the perfect Kirby experience.

My ranking of the nine games-
9. Gourmet Race
8. Megaton Punch
7. Samurai Kirby
6. The Arena
5. Spring Breeze
4. Dynablade
3. The Great Cave Offensive
2. Revenge of Meta-Knight
1. Milky Way Wishes


I played the Sega version through Disney Classic Games on Switch.

Aladdin is one of my favorite movies. It's not in the top ten, but it's close. I was super excited to get this but at the same time I was a bit skeptical of it being a movie adaptation. It surprised me with it's fun levels and the charm of this world. It's not a special platformer at all, but it is a fun Aladdin adaptation that I'd recommend to fans of the original movie. The gameplay is good for what it is, the attacks are creative, I like the slot machine, and the boss fight is just great. It's a fun platformer that's under an hour that I'd probably return to in the future.


I think this is the version of Lion King in Disney Classic Games on Switch so I'll mark it as Mega Drive/Genesis. I played on Switch though.

One of my top three favorite movies is the original Lion King. It's just beaten by Good the Bad and the Ugly and La La Land. The game is fun, but I don't think it's the perfect adaptation. Granted, it's a platformer, but I do think that there could've been more levels that were in the third act of the movie like a Can You Feel the Love Tonight level. I also thought the game didn't have enough spice to it. It had the characters and world I absolutely love, but the game itself didn't have much to it. While the levels are still fun, it's nothing great. This is pretty much an average, forgotten platformer polished in Lion King to make it more memorable and more fun. I enjoyed the game, but not as much as I had hoped. Aladdin is definitely better. I can't wait to get the new Classic Games bundle with Jungle Book.


I only completed one version for each game but I'll relog if I ever play the handheld ones. I thought that this was a nice bundle of the classic games. I gave Aladdin a 4 and Lion King a 3.5, but the bundle will be a 3.5 because I felt like overall with the bundle, there could've been slight improvements with the transfer. In the end I'd recommend it to Disney fans. It's a nice bundle of classic game adaptations of my two favorite Disney movies.


I think the game could use more tracks and more variety with the ATVs and the racers, but it's still a lot of fun to play. It's nothing special in the racing genre, but I'll play this one often since it's the only ATV game I own. I'm really gonna have to check out Pure.


This is yet another game I finally got around to playing and it's another fun one. It is a bit dated with the graphics and setup of the game, but in the end it's just a lot of fun. The game runs pretty smoothly and there isn't lag with the shooting which is good. I also thought the game didn't get repetitive and it was pure fun for all six stages. The bosses are all pretty good and have variety in how you kill them. All in all it's a fun shooter on the SNES that created a popular franchise.


Played on Switch

I was not expecting the DK Country sequel to be THIS good. It ran so smooth and the levels had amazing variety. It was so fun that I played this in one day. What a game! Highly, highly recommend!


The premise for this is absolutely fine. It's actually a really good idea for an NES game. The idea of finding the pattern through the gold pieces and figuring out which spaces have the pieces is great. The graphics are even fine and I felt like the look was great. Even the soundtrack isn't too terrible and it sounds like a refreshing retro soundtrack. Where it went wrong was the gameplay and the controls. The gameplay isn't very great with how there are invisible obstacles you randomly come across and then you have the black holes on TOP of the enemies. I think the idea is fine, but with how you move around with swinging around poles, it becomes a chore to maneuver around the map. This isn't coming from a difficulty standpoint, it's more of the way you move and where the obstacles are placed and go around the map is stupid. I also felt like the controls were pathetic. There isn't a set direction for the d-pad, so at times I felt like I was aimlessly roaming around the map. It also feels a bit stiff too. In the end, the premise is fantastic and if done way better, this could've been one of my favorites of the NES. But with how clunky the controls were and how bad the gameplay was, I just couldn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped to.


This is a lot of fun to play. The building is fantastic and I think the courses people make are very creative (and some extremely hard) which makes it more enjoyable than it should be. It's practically an endless Mario game and I enjoy it for that. I highly recommend checking this out!