
The score seems unusually high for this game, and it could lower after I play Complete Saga since I heard that can happen, but at the moment this game was so much fun to play! It definitely isn't a perfect game or anything, but the game succeeds at everything it is going for and more. It stayed true to the prequel trilogy with the levels and didn't try to change anything and I liked that. I like the prequels just as much as Anakin likes sand, but in this they kept it entertaining and the story told was fun. There were a lot of standout levels in this like the podracing level and the Darth Maul fight, but I didn't find any levels that sucked. The controls could feel a little clunky, especially with Yoda, but overall they worked well. The game was truly a lot of fun to play and the best Lego game I've ever played. It will most likely become Complete Saga or Skywalker Saga when I play those but this game was still a lot of fun and I will not forget it!


It's basically the same as the first gameplay and mechanic wise, but some of the controls were weaker like the ships and lightsabers. The atmosphere created in this game is a lot better than the first and I really like the levels because I love the OG trilogy. There is a little too much back and forth because of getting stormtrooper/bounty helmets, but in the end the game is a lot of fun!


That moment the ending cutscene is roughly the same length as the game itself...

The game is fairly simple where all you need to do his hold down LMB and move the mouse up without letting go of the sword. It's oddly relaxing and moves fast enough where I would definitely play it again if I have 5 minutes to spare. For a free game this is actually pretty fun and I'd recommend playing it!


Kirby Squeak Squad keeps the Kirby charm and what we love about the franchise, but it doesn't try to do anything different. This game has standard platforming that we've seen before and compared to past games, some things feel like a downgrade. You can't combine abilities and the levels aren't as imaginative. The game can also feel a little messy and repetitive. The Squeak Squad themselves also don't really have a menacing presence, and the fights are a little too easy to add any intensity to them.

Squeak Squad is still a lot of fun though. The Kirby charm is still there and our protagonist doesn't lose any of his likability. The backgrounds in the levels look pretty cool even if the platforming is a little generic. The bubble idea is actually a pretty good idea to give the game a little more strategy to it to see when you should use abilities and health boosts. The graphics are great and the soundtrack is solid. While it's not as good as some of the other Kirby games, Squeak Squad is still a fun experience that I would go through again!

Spanky's Quest is one of those games on Switch Online that's just there. It doesn't have much to make it standout and the game is average. The hero is charming which adds to the gameplay and the enemies are pretty fun. The whole world this takes place in is nice, although the levels look very similar. The platforming is average and doesn't really have any memorable levels. The final boss is fun and will stick, but the rest of the game is repetitive and the same. It doesn't really feel like you're progressing because it feels all too similar throughout, and the way it moves forward is unimaginative. The game supplies some fun and as I said before, has a refreshing sense of charm, but the game doesn't have enough to keep it up there with other platformers of it's era.


Kirby's Return to Dream Land delivered on something I never would've expected it to. It easily has the most compelling story in the series (of the ones I've played and this is the latest). It has an amazing plot twist that actually makes sense and the execution of it is phenomenal. I never would've thought a Kirby game would have this good of a story! The levels are designed so well and I really like the variety in them. They look great and they're fun to go through. The controls are for the most part great, except for something in world 8 which I won't spoil. I loved the concept of ultra abilities and thought they were used well. We got the right amount of them and they weren't underused or overused. My issue is that I couldn't really binge play the game like others in the series. After I beat a world, I didn't really want to play more. I had so much fun during the levels, but after a whole world I was done. Even with Squeak Squad I was able to binge five worlds in a row, but this one I couldn't. Regardless this is easily one of the best games in the Kirby series and one of the most memorable ones too!


LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga takes the already great first two games and makes them even better. My complaints about the first two weren't in this one because of how much thought went into the game. It added charm to the prequel levels, it made the lightsaber better in the original levels, and more. It added more to this game to make it stand out on it's own rather than just being a remaster/collection. The Complete Saga did everything I had hoped for it to do and more. This is one of the best remasters I've played and one I want to go back to again!

Kirby Triple Deluxe brings back the format set up in Return to Dream Land, but doesn't quite have the charm and overall enjoyment from that game. Triple Deluxe did add the new feature where you could switch from the foreground to background. I thought that was executed well and gave us some interesting things in the levels. Outside of that feature, the game is pretty barebones. The levels and gameplay are a bit more on the generic side and doesn't have that investment factor that keeps bringing you back to the game. When I played it I had fun, but there would be a 3-4 day stretch where I had zero intention to pick the game up. The other Kirby games like Super Star and Return to Dream Land had me coming back for more, while this one just didn't. I did find a lot of cool details in this one like how the first letter of the world names would spell something related to the environment and the atmosphere was well done. I also liked the parts where you would tilt the 3DS for controlling the platforming. The game feels a bit slow to get through, but once you get to the finale, it all pays off. The story wasn't all that fleshed out, but those final cutscenes and boss were very memorable. Queen Sectonia was a very interesting boss with the variety of attacks you would use against her, and the attacks she'd use against you. It can run a little long, but all of the stages of this battle are great. It has a lot of tension and once you finally beat her, you get a huge sense of reward. The subgames were alright and they were fun for a little bit, but compared to other subgames they aren't as memorable with the exception of Drum Dash. Triple Deluxe is a good Kirby game, but it is unfortunately more on the generic side.

I was a little skeptical going into this game since it's an Uncharted game without Nathan Drake, but holy crap was I wrong! This game gave me everything I love about the Uncharted series, but in a smaller scale. I really liked getting more of Chloe's backstory and I thought she had good chemistry with Nadine. The action is amazing as always in the series and some of the sequences in this were so good like the train scene in the finale. The first act gave us great environments and the great things about this series. It was so much fun to play through and gave me a good time. The second act was a bit repetitive but still fun, but the third act was truly amazing. There was so much in there like great exploration and a nice variety of action whether it's in an off-road vehicle, stealth, and the classic shootouts from the series. It all ends with an incredible boss fight and a nice ending scene to wrap everything up. Lost Legacy is a really fun Uncharted adventure that I would easily play again!

They seriously went from Triple Deluxe to this in two years! Planet Robobot takes everything about Triple Deluxe and makes it ten times better. The foreground/background feature change is done better and more creatively in this game and the platforming is so fresh and original. The worlds are so imaginative and immersive that I was able to binge so many at once. There is so much detail in them and so much to do in each level. The code cubes are my favorite collectible in the series so far and I loved finding them. The robot idea was so cool and they executed it really well. It's so creative and I loved discovering what the robot would change into with the different abilities. This game gives you jet Kirby, car Kirby, cutter mech Kirby, and more all in one game and it's just so good! The three final bosses were all incredible and some of my favorite bosses in the series. What this game did the best of any other Kirby game though was the storytelling. It was able to tell a compelling story and give characters actual arcs through the platforming. It has so many redeeming qualities in the finale because of the intense final boss and the story finally coming together. Planet Robobot is the best Kirby game I've played so far and it just makes me even more excited to play Forgotten Land. There is nothing quite like this game and it is easily now in my top five of all time!

Wanted to replay this with the movie coming out and yeah it's just a lot of fun! It's not a special platformer by any means but you get to play as two amazing leads and it has some fun boss fights. It's a suitable platformer to play for an hour!

I beat this on the day the movie came out! Anyway this is honestly an improvement on the first! The boss fights have more variety, the controls feel smoother, and it feels more grounded. The story flows better and that gave me more motivation to keep playing. I liked the structure of it where it felt more like an actual story than moving from zone to zone like the first. I still really love the first game and loved that format, but I liked this better. I didn't expect to like this game more but somehow I did. The final boss is a bit underwhelming but it's still fun to play. The ending felt a bit ambiguous but I still liked it. I wish there was one more level after the final boss just with how the game was going after that but overall it's still a lot of fun. It's more fun with the Rescue Rangers and for that I owe it a lot!

Call of Duty is one of the biggest video game franchises right now, and currently they aren't putting out great entries from what I've heard. I did hear that this game set the ground for the new generation of shooters and I will say that it successfully did that. The controls were really smooth and were arguably smoother than some shooters nowadays and the graphics have aged really well. The campaign was able to tell a solid story and have a nice variety of shooting in it. To me games like this aren't as rewarding at the end of them as big stories like Uncharted and Batman Arkham, but this game was able to tell a full story and have a really cool ending. It can feel like a lot of the same at times and I didn't have much motivation to pick it up, but in the end it's a really fun game. If you want a COD game that's actually good and not the crap that's out today then I highly recommend checking this one out!

Kirby Star Allies does something interesting by adding allies, but the entire game is a generic platform that is way too easy. I ended the game with 55 lives which is WAY too much to end with, and it rewarded you with at least 2 lives per level. The platforming is also as generic as a Kirby game could get and it felt like there was just a checklist for the levels. Ally gimmick? Check. Buttons? Check. Collectibles? Check. I also thought that the game was unfinished. It only had four full worlds and there wasn't enough in those worlds. I thought the first one was a good enough introduction to Star Allies and the fourth one had enough in it as a nice final world, but two and three felt empty and there wasn't enough in the middle to keep you going. It makes the game feel rushed and doesn't give it any time for story. It hints something in the second world and then throws everything at you in the finale because it didn't build up anything. I do think the game succeeded at controls and graphics because this game looks amazing and controls beautifully. The swimming feels a lot better than previous entries as it controls smoother and is less slow and jagged. I also think there is good detail with the sound like how it muffles when you are underwater. If they put details like that in the actual platforming I'd probably be more lenient to this one. The Dream Palace was nice touch as well because it brought back some iconic Kirby characters that would help you in levels and I thought it was executed well. It was oddly addicting as I had motivation to finish it, but that was mostly due to it being really short and something I could binge relatively quickly. I also just really want to get to Forgotten Land. The subgames are pretty dull compared to others, so even the subgames didn't add anything to the overall experience. Kirby Star Allies is pretty lackluster with the exception of the ally mechanics, but it does supply a somewhat good time. Hopefully we get another 2D Kirby game so this isn't the last one.

The controls were really clunky and it is a bit unfinished, but man this game is just so much fun! I liked the idea of Crash and Cortex working together and that lead to some really funny moments. The game is filled with insanity, which is in the name so what else can you expect. It's just so much fun and a really underrated game. I hope it gets a remaster someday where it can polish the controls and add more content to it. Play this game if you like Crash!