Absolute masterpiece. GT7 was a massive return to form for this franchise and created the best racer to have come out in years. 7 collects the best of the past games with classic tracks and songs, while also standing on its own as a great Gran Turismo game. The menu book missions were a lot of fun to complete and yeah there wasn't much variety as it was mainly collect cars and championships but they switched it up in track selection and added restrictions that were fun to follow by tuning your car a certain way. It drives beautifully and there is just so much detail in every single car. When it comes to design and how it drives, every car has something unique. The controls are excellent whether it is on a controller or racing wheel and that is honestly hard to find in racing games recently. The paint booth is fantastic and I could probably make paint schemes all day. The graphics and sound are just amazing and I can't get over how real the game looks and sounds. I can play this game for hours as it is just so much fun. Is it the best in the franchise? It honestly may be my favorite but I'll go back and replay 3 and 4. GT7 is a special racing game that expertly collects the best of past GT games and stands on its own!

Sonic the Hedgehog is a solid franchise starter that doesn't do anything really special, but sets the stage (ba dum BOOM) for what's to come. I had a fun time with it, even if it was a little dry. I do think in each zone that the levels could've looked a little different, because sometimes it felt like I was playing one individual level that was divided into three parts. When it comes to the debate of Mario vs Sonic, for franchise starters it has to go to Mario, but the first Sonic game was fun to play.


Sonic CD is another solid Sonic 2D platformer that to me improved upon the first game. It introduces the time travel elements and while I don't think they were utilized the best, I enjoyed how they changed up the levels a bit to add more variety and personality. The introduction of Amy and Metal Sonic were also nice to see as they are iconic characters in this franchise. This entry also has more entertainment value than the first. I was able to binge through this game easily while I took a couple of days to beat the first Sonic. This game just adds more personality and variety than the first. My issues come in at the level design and memorability. The level design is good enough, but I found myself in frustration for some levels because it just wasn't designed all too well in those spaces. I liked the speedway ones but the rest of them can kind of get mixed up with each other and not many levels stand out to me as classic Sonic levels. That is also a factor in memorability as I don't know how much I will specifically remember. I'll remember the original stuff like the time travel and characters, but the levels themselves are a bit forgettable. Sonic CD is a fun platformer that improves upon the first game. I am very excited to play 2 and 3 as I heard they're massive improvements on 1 and CD!


I had never heard of A Plague Tale until the game awards, and since Requiem was nominated, I decided to give this a try. I went in blind and wasn't disappointed with the end product. It was able to capture the atmosphere of this time period so well to create a very immersive experience. It wasn't afraid to get graphic and show the horrors of what was going on along with the plague, as you go through a battlefield and walk over dead knights or see walls of pigs. You go through this with our two leads in Amicia and Hugo, and they were solid protagonists. The sibling dynamics are great and the pacing of the relationship building is perfect. The performances are probably the weakest part as it felt like they were just reading off lines. The adults were much better than the kids, as expected, but the difference was drastic.

The story is well-written, but did the gameplay follow through as well? In ways yes, and in ways no. The combat system is both good and bad. I like the upgrading and the materials are cool, but the sling and open combat didn't work the best for me. The gameplay itself is great, but sometimes it feels a bit generic. It just fell short of being something unique, and I feel like it was pretty close to reaching that mark. The puzzles were interesting, as most were great but there were like two or three that frustrated me. A Plague Tale: Innocence creates a chilling, immersive atmosphere and has a strong story to go with it. The combat system and acting were the weakest points, but the gameplay was still solid and created a good experience.


Beat my first game of 2023 on the first day of 2023! Crash Bandicoot 4 is a great sequel to the original Crash games. It takes the best of the platforming from the past games and brings them here, and adds its own things like the masks to give it its own personality. The levels are very imaginative and look fantastic. The graphics are amazing and the new art style is just great. I also like being able to play as more characters like Cortex and Dingodile. The problems are mostly in the mechanics. The treadmill thing that lets you walk on walls isn't really great and only worked half the time for me. The masks were also unresponsive sometimes, but that gets more into the controls. For the most part they were great, but sometimes were clunky and unresponsive. The pacing is also a slight issue with some levels being a bit too long. There are also a bunch of random difficulty spikes, and some parts that were unnecessarily difficult like the ending of Cortex Castle. The game still overcomes these issues by creating a phenomenal environment, the humor, and overall experience this provides. For longtime Crash fans it provides something truly special, and for new players it's a great introduction to what this franchise is all about. Crash Bandicoot 4 has a few flaws, but is an overall great experience and well worth the wait!


Super Mario World is one of my all-time favorite video games, so a sequel with Yoshi, my favorite character in this franchise, in the lead seems like it would be right up there with my favorites. I was a bit disappointed. It's a well made game with amazing graphics and controls, solid directing, great narrative, and really everything it needs to be a phenomenal platformer. My problems are really in how long these levels are and it hurts the pacing and how entertained I can be for a certain amount of time. The first game had the perfect length for each level which allowed me to binge half the game in one session, while here I struggled to get through over half a world in one. There are some great levels, but once one of those comes up a frustrating one is after it. The boss fights are easily the best parts of the game with very unique fights and highlights in the series. The problem with that though is to get to these highlights you have to go through obnoxiously long and repetitive levels! I do think it does interesting things like the egg throwing and other new additions. Yoshi's Island is one of those games that I respect with it's graphics, impact, and overall quality but the entertainment value, pacing, and repetitiveness in some of the levels bring my enjoyment down. I'm still happy this exists, just didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to.


After seeing Dunkey's review of this and hearing about recycled mechanics in Mario Galaxy, I thought that before I played that game I'd play this. Jungle Beat was a fun DK adventure that did something new, but I feel like it was missing something to make it a great. I'm not entirely sure what it is. Maybe more levels, more variety, better controls, I'm not sure. But I just feel like it was a little empty at times. I did enjoy using the motion controls, especially in boss fights as it added something new to the franchise. Overall I felt like the game could've been a bit better, but I still thought Jungle Beat was a fun entry in the DK franchise! I'd recommend checking it out if you love motion controls.


Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins was a pleasant surprise. I thought it would be a generic Game Boy platformer, but I was wrong. It had a lot of charm with its cast of characters, introduction of Wario, and the cool gadgets in here like the carrot thing and the Astro Suit. The levels can feel a bit generic at times, but the areas are creative. They are all distinct in style and background, but the actual level design can get slightly generic. The game is only 90 minutes or less depending on how you play it, but that works in its favor. The game would grow repetitive if it kept going, so having these six short zones and an epic final boss was perfect. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins was a great platformer on the Game Boy and I recommend playing it now that it's on Switch!


Super Mario 64 is a revolutionary step forward in this franchise. This is my first time playing it, and I was not disappointed. There's so much to love about it, but I had a few complaints I'll get out of the way before the great stuff. So the obvious one is the camera. It was a nightmare to control, especially as the game went on. It cost me many lives and the angles were wonky. Then you have the levels in the latter half of the game where the level design gets a little worse and it starts feeling more gimmicky to sell strategy guides. Last, there were a few cheap deaths I would find throughout.

Other than those things, I had such a great time with this game! It is able to spin the concept of the series by instead of just reaching the ends of levels, you'd complete these missions to get stars in these imaginative 3D worlds that don't really run out of variety. You are thrown into Bob-Omb Battlefield that shows you the basics of the game through awesome missions, and then get to see Whomp's Fortress for more enemy encounters and Jolly Roger Bay for swimming and more imaginative star missions. It's masterfully paced and the difficulty ramps up perfectly as the player gets more accustomed to the gameplay.

Speaking of gameplay, it is so immersive and just invests the player into the game so well where it is hard to stop playing. It is very addictive through this creative gameplay and never stops giving you something new. Then you have the secrets, which just makes the game go above and beyond. It was already revolutionary for video games, but adding the secret stars and locations up the gameplay to where it feels like you have to explore all the worlds to see what the game is offering. Some of the best parts of the game are in how fun the mechanics are, where you could spend a while outside Peach's castle trying to master all of Mario's moves like the triple jump and other moves like it. Then you have awesome sliding mechanics where when you get the penguin race or the secret slide star in the first few minutes of gameplay, you want to play more from how fun it is. The game also just tells a better story than the others of gathering these stars to restore the power, you aren't just finishing levels. You are doing more, and it leaves a super satisfying ending when completed.

Visually, it also looks great. While it didn't age too well in its graphics, they still look great and add charm to the game. The soundtrack is also something great with the main theme being iconic, but the underwater music is so soothing and leaves a landmark in video game history of making underwater levels actually enjoyable. Super Mario 64 is not just a groundbreaking achievement in gaming history, it is a super entertaining Mario platformer that I already want to replay. An absolute must play video game!!


Super Mario Sunshine brought this franchise back after a six year drought and decided to be another excellent 3D adventure. Sunshine is filled with some of the highest highs of the franchise, but unfortunately some of the lowest lows. The controls were sometimes unbearable. Corona Mountain was an example of this with that awful boat section, but you also had that stupid Chuckster level. I wanted to replace the CH in Chuckster to an F. There are a lot of standout levels though like the blooper race, Mecha-Bowser, any II Piantissimo level, Wiggler, Petey Piranha, you name it. The world is built so well of this tropical vacation with Delfino Plaza being one of my favorite hub worlds in a video game. Not because of the shine sprites, but because of how fun it is to explore.

The worlds are all immersive too as it takes you to from somewhere like Bianco Hills to Noki Bay. Pinna Park is also a standout. The problem with that is that most of the great stuff is in the first 3/4 of the game, but the last quarter has all of the most irritating levels. Honestly as it was starting off I was thinking it was better than 64, but after beating it I like 64 more. The game has that weird mix of the controls being absolutely awesome but at the same time sometimes a nightmare. But really the gameplay is just so engaging and the addition of FLUDD was welcome. The game felt like a welcome addition in Mario platforming while also having its own uniqueness with FLUDD and what you can do within the game.

I also liked how it really felt like it had a story to it different than just rescue the princess from a castle. You had the Bowser Jr. twist and an overarching story that had kind of an emotional scene with FLUDD at the end. Sunshine may be divisive in some areas though because of FLUDD, where people may just want the usual Mario mechanics we all know and love and not wanting jetpack Mario. I disagree with that as it has the typical run and jump mechanics with adding FLUDD to it. Super Mario Sunshine is an amazing 3D platformer in the Mario franchise that I really enjoyed, and as it stands as one great Mario platformer but really having its own identity with the tropical vacation atmosphere and FLUDD mecahnics.


Super Mario Galaxy has just become one of my all-time favorite video games. There is only one bad level, and that is the only issue. The gameplay is so immersive and never stops trying something new in the mechanics. Each galaxy you go into has something unique and different about it where everything has something to make it stand out against the rest. It is so inventive everywhere you go where the whole game you're just going "wow, what are they gonna do next?".

The narrative here is as epic as Mario has been up to this point and tells a very good story. The finale after the boss fight with all the Lumas is beautiful and poetic, and you forget you're playing a Mario game. You feel like you're watching a movie.

The controls were perfect with absolutely no issues whatsoever. In 64 and Sunshine I'd have rage moments when I'd die because the controls/camera screwed me over, but I never had a moment here because whenever I died, I knew it was me. I knew what I did wrong, fixed it, and moved on. The game really spoils the player in that way, and it makes you think every game should be like this.

Galaxy also gives you the perfect blend of what a Mario game should supply. It is a 3D Mario game at its core, but it has 2D sections giving the classic Mario feel. It has every Mario staple (except Yoshi) without feeling forced into it, as it all just comes naturally. It's a showcase of everything fantastic about Mario while also being its own entry telling its own story and showing new mechanics.

There is not one flaw I can find in this game, as it is perfect in my eyes. This was my first playthrough of the game, and I guarantee you it won't be my last. Galaxy was a super inventive and creative game that never stopped doing something new. It is a masterpiece in its franchise, genre, and gaming as a whole. It is a must play not just for Mario fans but for everybody. Super Mario Galaxy is indeed super, and has become my favorite Mario game. Nintendo, good job!


Super Mario 3D All-Stars is one of the toughest games I've ever rated, because on one hand, the collection of games is fantastic and it remasters them well. On the other hand, it's lacking as a collection and feels a bit lazily put together. This is my first time playing each of these games, so I haven't played the originals to know how they were. I think the controls were smooth in each game, but there was still some improvement that could've been made in each. They could've fixed the camera in 64, fixed the Chucksters in Sunshine, but really Galaxy was perfect. Visually the games look fantastic and seeing all of these in HD was great. Each game just looks smoother and more fresh than they did before of stills and gameplay I've seen. I feel like the games themselves are worthy enough to buy this package, but it is lacking in what it could've had. For 60 dollars you get these games and their soundtracks, but there should've been way more. They could've added Galaxy 2 and 3D World, and probably could've had some minigames in here as well. It manages to both feel like you're getting a worthy package and ripped off at the same time. I'm still giving this a good score because of how great these three games are, but overall as a package it was lacking.


It was so cool being able to beat this on Mario day. I really had a good time with this game and it was the best way this franchise could've started. It was able to pay tribute and have easter eggs to the past games while also being its own game in its visual style and gameplay. While some of the level design can lean on the generic side, there are some really cool mechanics at play here like the blue shell suit, gigantic mushroom, and the mountain ledges. Each world has a lot of variety with world 1 being a nice tutorial-ish entry to the game and then you get world 6 which is a bunch of mountains. The worlds all have excellent pacing as it's able to have a good short entry in 1 and an epic, longer world 8 for a finale. It also makes sure each world doesn't overstay its welcome in ice physics and desert scenery. I really don't have much else to say not because it's forgettable but because it checks off all the boxes for a good game and doesn't really have anything bad about it. New Super Mario Bros. is a solid platformer and entry in the Mario series, but really a perfect way to start off this reboot series in the Mario franchise.


New Super Mario Bros. Wii gets a little too much hate. It is a little cookie cutter compared to the first New Super Mario game, but it does have some differences and makes it feel different from the first. It introduces new mechanics too it and new enemies which enhance the experience. It gets rid of having secret worlds where you don't have to unlock a quarter of the game. The worlds are all good (except 7) and create a consistently fun experience. Bringing the Koopalings back was an excellent idea, as it made the boss fights less repetitive and give each world more of a theme as each Koopaling represents the environments and tone of the worlds. The best aspect of the game by far are the Bowser Jr. fights as they bring back the airship levels from Mario 3 and gives unique boss fights only capable on the Wii.

Like its predecessor it can feel a little generic in its level design. It doesn't try anything different in the platforming than the first which makes me understand some complaints of the game. I don't hate the level design as I do very much enjoy it, but there could've been more variety in here and more to standout from the first game. I also think it could've had more single player content outside of the base game. The first game had minigames for 1-4 players, this only has them for 2+. While it has a few slight issues, I think New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a really fun Mario 2D platformer and I recommend it to fans of the series and really just all gamers. It's a lot of fun and does a lot of things right, and adds more mechanics and the Koopalings to the base game. It does lack in other content, but what it gives you in the base game is so much fun to play and ends on a high note!


Super Mario Galaxy is one of my all-time favorite video games. The vibes, the gameplay, the story, the galaxies; everything was absolutely stunning and I love that game so much. While Galaxy 2 captures most of this, I'm not sure how much of what made Galaxy 1 great transferred here.

First, the absence of Rosalina in the main story is felt. I know she shows up in special world, but I wish she was in the main story. It would sort of make this a rehash, but let's be honest. The game really does feel like an expansion pack at the start. I was getting bored in world 1 because with the exception of Yoshi levels, it's basically the exact same as Galaxy 1 and removed a few mechanics only to be thrown in at the last few galaxies. While these worlds are fun and do sometimes add something cool, it felt like something was missing at the beginning and it took me a while to get fully engaged in the game.

I'm also not sure if I should judge the controls in the game as harshly as I want because I don't know if it was the game or my Wii remote making the game act up. Sometimes Mario wouldn't stop moving even without moving the joystick and spring Mario wouldn't jump over half the time. Some of it was definitely my controller, but some of it was the game's fault like spring Mario.

The rest of this game though, when I got 100% into it, is absolutely brilliant and addicting. It isn't as addicting or stunning as Galaxy 1, but this game is still ridiculously fun and delivered on a great gaming experience. In some ways it improves on Galaxy 1. The gameplay itself when it gets going becomes just as good or better. It basically has everything I loved about Galaxy 1 and honestly sometimes more.

My issue is just how long it took for me to really get into it from the expansion pack feeling and the controls. Otherwise, Galaxy 2 is truly another special entry in the Mario franchise that gives you something really special.