THE best fire emblem game. Worldbuilding is held up with tape and toothpicks but makes up for it by being interesting and having cool villains. Gameplay may not be terribly hard, but it's perfect for really fun challenge runs. I would give up my life for Princess Eirika.


Only the first part of the story at the time of this writing, but I eagerly await the second half. Gameplay has a bit of jank expected from rpgmaker solo developing, so I won't hold that against it too much (watch out for bits where talking to an npc in specific points may block your path).

Story is really intriguing and while it leaves a lot of open ends (again by virtue of only being the first half), it is compelling and does a great job of endearing you to the protagonist and their tragic journey. And the art is GORGEOUS. I cannot stress this enough, if you play this game for a single reason, it has to be the art. Beautiful character artwork and incredible CGs that illustrate the story in a way that the typical rpgmaker overworld sprites never could.

I played this game at probably too young of an age, but I've been replaying it once a year for over a decade now. It is flawed, but what it does right, it does EXTREMELY right. The crowning jewel of the Persona series, it's all downhill from here.

Underrated gem, it's too bad that the prequel went and changed everything that was cool and unique about it. The story may be a bit generic at points, but the characterization is very solid, and the gameplay is amazing. Glad I can finally recommend a remaster to my switch owning friends now.

This game had the misfortune of coming out (or at least being translated into english) at the time where youtube let's plays were on their first boom. It will now be forever associated with that era, as well as some of the most unpleasant internet celebrities the world will ever know.

Which is a real shame. This is no masterclass in horror or gaming, but if you can meet it on it's own terms, it's not at all a piece of trash. The story is some paper thin excuse to drop you into the creepy atmosphere, and nothing is ever said about what the oni is, or any explanation about what's going on, but the presentation through the puzzles and certain scripted events (especially in versions 3 and 6) can be unsettling.

I know there's no coming back, especially after the subpar mobile sequels and the two mediocre (and one enjoyable) movies, not after being a laughing stock by the internet's cheap thrill juice squeezers. But this game deserved better than that.

I wish this game had flopped and spared us from Dating Sim Emblem for years to come :/

I played this game 5 whole times and would have done more if my 3DS hadn't passed away in a tragic stairs incident. Not a perfect game by any means and it suffers from some questionable writing, as well as archaic map design, but I enjoyed my time with it. And the music bangs.

The story pissed me off and was badly handled but a reasonable amount of characters are endearing and the gameplay is pretty fun (except those gaiden chapter requirements FUCK YOU KISHUNA)


I've replayed this many times since it came out until now. I don't know what else can be said about this gem of it's subgenre that hasn't already been said.

Wish i could have liked this game as it had interesting setpieces and atmosphere, but the protagonist was insufferable and the villain fell flat.

Overrated garbage. Gameplay is fun and the setpieces are cool, interesting ideas, and some of the characters like Terra, Celes and Cyan are cool.... But completely overshadowed by having a pedophile, an attempted rapist and a disgusting misogynist take over SO much of the mandatory screentime. Those characters completely soured the whole experience for me, which is tragic because I really wish I could have liked this game. But now I'm pissed off at how high of a pedestal it's in.

Perhaps not the best game in the world nor the best final fantasy, it's pretty flawed in some areas, but what it does well it's done really well and it holds a very personal place in my heart. I won't defend it against people who dislike it unless I have a good reason to, but every day I thank my stars that I played this game at the exact point of my life where I most needed it's message.