This is what straight men think bisexual women are like.

This game is a weird case of being simultaneously better and worse than pop culture will have you believe. I like it more on an academic/historical basis than personal enjoyment though.

Idk how it is on console, but on PC the controls are very keyboard/mouse unfriendly.

Only really good as a way to play Rondo and Symphony on your psp, sadly.

Bruteforced most of the game with only Charlotte unless needed until I got the Stellar Sword. The story was a lot of missed potential and the art didn't do it justice, but I liked Jonathan and Charlotte's bond and the gameplay.

I wish this game had been the last Castlevania ever made, so the series could have gone out on a high note.

Not a perfect game, but a classic for good reason.

Some levels can be a bit too obtuse but I enjoyed it a lot

This would have been a nearly perfect game if it wasn't for Turnabout Circus.



I am a bit disappointed that the first person view was dropped halfway through, that was the best part of the game with some really solid horror with a little bit of whimsy, while the second half was more whimsy with horror elements outside of the final boss battle (which was awesome). That said, that second half is still some of the best the horror subgenre of rpgmaker games have to offer, its' just unfortunately preceeded by a really strong and unique start.

My only real problem is how anticlimactic the ending was. The journey there was amazing though.