It was the only game I played for like 3 years. Countless hours on this guy.

Fun, old, classic. Makes you feel like mario, but controls do suffer due to age. If you play it a lot though you can do some insane stuff, but not committing the time to that

Its good but i just lost interest in smash soon after this came out. Stupid big roster tho which is cool. No goku :(

They just add anything into this game gotta respect that, its a new game every time you open this thing plus they got goku

Really solid 3d mario game, has some good peaks but most are just ok. The flying star being in one level is funny, what a drop on that one.

It was fun, good to mess around with friend but it takes like 20 minutes to even start the online. Never finished the story but don't want to re download the 100GB it takes