8 reviews liked by SpudiF

One time I read a creepypasta about a secret extra mode in Kirby's Dream Land where if you get a game over, the hand on the continue screen strangles Kirby to death

A much needed remake of 1, some things were missing from it but Original 1 is so bad to play. Some additions too and a shit ton of characters. Uses Victory style of gameplay. a 5 only because it was the first time they used that style to remake/spinoff. Later that would be a minus point.

There is also a filter point with the 1st Noire fight which is funny af, many people got filtered here. It was hard but not too much by previous standards. Its really not that grindy, and if you really wanted to, its easy to grind.

I liked kicking people repeatedly.

It was good, but the slice of life scenes were maybe a bit too long at times. Definitely caught my interest in the second half though

Doom в обложке фэнтези с небольшими нововведениями: наличием инвентаря и врагами, владеющими более одной атаками.

Hey guys- I don't normally use this website, but I took some time to read your reviews and a lot of them are written how Mule used to post. Remember that overly long and stupidly complex sentence structure he would use? I'm seeing that way too much, and your reviews tend to be a real pain to read.

I'm not saying you have to publish sarcastic shitpost reviews. If you're writing an in-depth review of the game, that's great. But the reviews can be better.

Reread your reviews before posting them and think to yourself: can I get to the point more concisely? Ultimately your goal should be to make your sentences less wordy. Try practicing by typing a section of your review in Twitter and see if you can make it fit the character limit.

Doing all this will make your points pop and your arguments easier to follow. It will greatly improve your reviews, and your perspective/voice will become stronger.

The mountains of goofy and expository flavor text on every little speck or item or character in the game and the mostly pointless, but endlessly entertaining dialogue trees goes a long way inviting a habitual, laid-back sense of play that invokes the pleasures of hanging out in the way the wanderlust nature of the best western adventure games do best.

You're a ninja who can jump super high and throw shurikens around. Basically the game has only two levels that it loops, each time with a different color palette. It's pretty short.