Hot off the heels of the best Ace Attorney game they proceeded to make the worst one. The final case is pretty alright (but still somewhat flawed) but everything else is either a snoozefest or kinda bad. Hard carried by Blackwell who is easily one of the best prosecutors in the series.

Underrated AF. A marked improvement from AA5, having 4 really solid cases. The final case kind of sucks ass unfortunately. The DLC case is...fine.

The original base XC1 is really good and this enhanced edition makes the two previous versions wholly irrelevant. Easily the best way to play XC1.

Oh also future connected is here and it certainly is the epilogue to xenoblade chronicles

My first Xenoblade game, and a damn good one. There are certainly aspects of this game that are heavily flawed but I enjoyed the overall experience so much and it has some of my favorite moments I've ever experienced in a video game.

Oh also I didn't actually understand the combat until like 2 or 3 replays later oops

I did not expect to be as blown away as I was when I originally played this game. For being based on an NES game, it holds up remarkably well. Every new addition works so well too. I was initially hesitant of full voice acting but Fire Emblem wouldn't feel the same without it at this point, and that's thanks to how goddamn good the dub for this game is.

Also has one of the coolest postgame dungeons and superbosses ever imo. Had to grind for hours but it was so fun.

I've rewatched this game like 16 times at this point and it never gets old. Genuinely peak fiction.

Yeah it's pretty good. 4 really solid cases and 1 kinda iffy one is pretty good for this series. 3-5 is really good but it's definitely a bit overrated too imo.