This game nails the vibe but besides Case 3 has some fairly underwhelming cases. Works much better if you think of it as the first 5 cases of a 10 case game with GAA2, because that's pretty much what it is.

This was the final AA game I needed to play since it didn't get officially localized until 2021 and before that I always heard from people who watched it subbed that it was possibly the best game in the series. I heard constant praise for this game and I expected another AAI2. When I played it, it certainly was... good. Nothing mindblowing. Somehow the one filler case ended up being my favorite, genuinely great cae and a great use of the location and time period. 1 and 3 are pretty good too, and then when I saw how the last case was formatted I knew this would not be matching AAI2. At the end, this game was pretty good. 2nd or 3rd favorite AA game with T&T.

As a whole, TGAAC is like a 9/10, better than the sum of its parts.

Takes a while to get going but it's a fun time once it does. Everything after the final boss is what gets this game its high score tbh, already over halfway through the series and I still don't think there's been a cooler ending than this one.

Randy is just T-rated Kaname Date send tweet

I feel sorry for anyone who played this as their first Trails game genuinely why did they prioritize localizing this before Crossbell when the plot of those games kinda matters a lot here

Another Code R's remake genuinely gives 999 a run for its money in the "most butchered story in a modern rerelease of a cult classic visual novel" category, bravo arcsys

I quite liked this game but persona is absolutely not beating the monotony simulator allegations because holy shit does it feel like nothing is happening for like 40% of the game

Yeah I mean this is the one everyone likes and they're 100% right. Hard carried by how good the postgame is.

JfA has 1 good case, 1 mid case, and 2 outright bad cases. The only thing keeping it from being the worst in the series is the fact that the 1 good case is straight up one of the best in the series.

Ace Attorney 1 is really good for it's time but also after playing the rest of the series is kind of tame by comparison. 1-4 and 1-5 are still great though.

As close to peak as possible that isn't Galaxy 2.

I initially thought following up XC2 with a prequel wasn't a great idea but this game, for as short and sweet as it is, still manages to contend with the best this series has to offer. My only criticism is that there's MASSIVE padding with the community ranks being required to progress, and without them the story would be like, 10 hours max instead of 20. Still great though.

A really good first and last case carry this game, because the middle two are really, really boring.

Society has progressed past the need for Spec Ops: The Line. We have Undertale.

Remember kids, your fate is predetermined and you should sit back and let your best friend die despite being blessed with the power to stop it because... uhh... the universe wills it... or something...