Remember kids, your fate is predetermined and you should sit back and let your best friend die despite being blessed with the power to stop it because... uhh... the universe wills it... or something...

I quite liked this game but persona is absolutely not beating the monotony simulator allegations because holy shit does it feel like nothing is happening for like 40% of the game

Society has progressed past the need for Spec Ops: The Line. We have Undertale.

This is a really weird comparison but this game reminded me a lot of Kirby's Return to Dreamland and I mean that in the best way possible. There is a particular vibe that I have only ever felt playing that game as a kid and this one now. Kinda peak ngl.

On the one hand the plot is kind of a mess but on the other its still kinda peak kino cinema so yeah imma give it a 9/10

Cold Steel IV Taste So Good When U Ain’t Got A Bitch In Ya Ear Telling You It’s Nasty

This game has Randy.

We're so back.

Peak Steel III shits all over Cold Slop II.

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Genuine slop. Despite being the shortest CS game it felt the longest. They made a civil war boring. The villains were funny and I did in fact soyjack at 3D Crossbell (would've been a 6/10 otherwise).

Another Code R's remake genuinely gives 999 a run for its money in the "most butchered story in a modern rerelease of a cult classic visual novel" category, bravo arcsys

I feel sorry for anyone who played this as their first Trails game genuinely why did they prioritize localizing this before Crossbell when the plot of those games kinda matters a lot here

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Some bigger spoilers for this one so tagging it

OK yeah sure it was good like everyone said it would be but also like... I don't think it was "peak of the series" good. Everything from West Zemuria Trade Conference to the prison break was really good but it feels like the game kinda just lost the plot a bit after that. The section where you go around collecting the SSS members reeks of filler and genuinely (as a huge mastermind trope enjoyer) the "real mastermind" being Grimwood was kinda garbo. He really did all that evil stuff only to fold at the slightest questioning of his ideals at the end lol are you kidding me. Sure you could argue Bell was the true mastermind (and even then subverting your expectations by subverting the original subversion is kinda... anticlimactic?), but basically everything the game tries to do involving Grimwood from his reveal to his eventual incapacitation kinda blows. Actual D-Tier mastermind.

Randy is just T-rated Kaname Date send tweet

This game has a pretty good main story but the most engaging part of the game is when it decides to be a Star Wars encyclopedia

Xenoblade 2 ripped off this game (they are both peak)

Takes a while to get going but it's a fun time once it does. Everything after the final boss is what gets this game its high score tbh, already over halfway through the series and I still don't think there's been a cooler ending than this one.