Okay yes this game is a work of art. The original is so much better than it really should be like wtf happened this game feels impossibly rushed.

Why are most of the songs from a single beastie boys album? why did they adjust the physics in such a way that gaining verticality is twice as inconsistent? Why don't enemies show up for the majority of a levels run, but if they do you get locked in a cage where they're barely able to interact with you?

There came a point in the story where you just wander around aimlessly tagging walls until you figure out you have to go to specific rooms to trigger a series of story events, making a first playthrough a bit miserable. A lot of the scripted scenes feel haphazardly cut together, some parts more so than being frustrating or difficult are rather tedious, while scenes like the race and some of the chases feel trivial. You'll find there's moments that are sublime, the incidental beauty and swag of music, gameplay, visuals, rhythm and sound design falling into perfect synchronicity are jsrf's claim to fame, having simple levels, the majority of which wrap around predictably and piss easy objectives in what feel like lonely enemy free walks in the park are where you'll notice this game suffered an immense downgrade from its dreamcast counterpart.

Preferencial biases in favor of the original are something I'd also like to mention, the timer, the color grading, use of music throughout levels, you'll find that as a result of missions being kind of vague and a bit too long to get through at times, the music setlists will loop over and over in a predetermined fashion, there's a lot less unique mixes, and specially the lack of a middle act like what happened in the US stages of JSR deprive this game of a proper middle act.

I'm really glad I finally got to play this after so many years of being obsessed with the og game, and I absolutely set the bar too high going into it, I just didn't actually expect there to be so many things to look down on in a first playthrough.

does anyone remember that xbox 360 demo kiosk sonic game that was available around the blades era that i think was a prototype of this game set in a windy valley kind of level filled with robots like those sawblade dudes, and it had a structure that was a mixture of the segment set in the eye of a tornado, and the second act of that stage where you climb a spiral with spike balls, but with a more spacious layout and with the camera pulled much further away scrolling around the spiral, somewhat like what you see in the hd games' 2d sections. Anybody remember that? I also recall it running at like 60 fps and i swear most of the assets were later reused for this game and i feel like i might be insane cause i can't find any info abt it in news sites or sonic fan sites, nothing on sega retro, just this vague memory i have of stepping through sears' toy section and seeing it on display and sucking complete ass at it, i mean shit for all i know it is indeed a lost prototype or game or maybe it was an unrelated scrimblo from the era that happened to look exactly like sonic idfk i am not crazy somebody out there has to know.

YES I FUCKING LOVE THIS ARGGGGF if you don't love this. Fuck you, plain and simple, there is so much wrong in premise as well as execution that comes through the finish line unscathed via sheer determination and force of will. This is like if Warcraft III, bloons tower defense and God hand rented an apartment together and had sex every day and honestly that is a form of nirvana we should all strive to achieve, even if the outcome is nowhere near as good as guilty gear 2.

Its alright, there's times where the shooting reminded me of those free radical games, played it on normal and it was a really short run, I think it was the wrong decision to leave the only good characters absent for a majority of the story, however the score is phenomenal, so much better than it had any right to be with its use of prehispanic instruments and pretty creative melodies. Idk I guess it had a pretty tall order filling up the void of ps3 releases during the early years, and they did pretty good.

Very strange coalition of gameplay styles and sensibilities for the genre, it ends up having a seemingly very low level of entry offering simple execution, strong reversals and neutral tools, so imagine my surprise when I find this lifts more mechanics from garou or kof than it does any other fg, that said it's extremely bare bones, a bit shallow and some of the special inputs are perplexing. Its also a piss easy 1cc on the hardest difficulty so If that's a plus to you, my guy more power to you.

Did you guys know that outside of its use of the og gamboy's own sound pipeline, the gba does not have a dedicated sound chip, and instead relies entirely on its cpu for handling audio playback?


I basically only learned how to play minesweeper because this has cute art by the super milk chan guy.

Okay so I don't understand why but ig I was able to play this game without motion controls? And I've read no mention if this online so I'm gonna assume I'm being gaslit and everyone is able to jump with r2 like I do.

Anyways it's the same game yet again but the level gimmicks really help elevate it as a swan song of this series, holy shit this was like 50 or so levels though. King and robo king are some hater ass bitches Goddamn.

i remember playing this once for hours one time my uncle lent my family his launch 360 and i played this nonstop. It looks like a flash game with minimal animation and it only consisted of minigames, of which i only remember a juggling and climbing one, this was around the time twilight princess came out on gamecube.

That is the only time i remember ever holding a 360 controller.

skill issue but why's the first boss so impossibly hard? the only criteria for whether you get strong spells or not is if you use characters like j, k, y, z or x, leaving it to luck whether its a 2 letter or more word, its also very picky with what counts and doesn't, it makes no sense when ox works but oxen doesn't, and also yields more power than words like "thorough" this could be good idk i'm probably just dumb.

If not for my years as an elemental troll shaman leading up to playing this game for the first time I may not have played it through but sure enough, here's to infamous, for some the defacto open world superhero game, and for playstation fans everywhere the zappy thunderguy chain lightning spamming game of preference, me personally I'm more of a PSO/KH1 type of guy, ahem.

Well I liked this well enough, to be perfectly honest I prefered festival of blood in almost every aspect, it has many things holding it back, such as Cole's magnetic ass progressively becoming more and more of a liability as the game goes on, bullet spongy enemies that make a lot of the more fun abilities unreliable, boring side quests you dread to go through again after just once, sure ugly graphics and a so-so city that feels like it was copy pasted 3 times over, characters that are just disembodied voices, not a specially big fan of anyone's performance either, but that said the story is definitely the winning element for me, specifically the ending and the message it contains, how selfless and selfish people's actions are a means to an end, as much as we define ourselves as purely good or bad we expect to further ourselves by changing the world around us, reality is indiferent to either side and however good or bad we decide to become, no one gets a say when, arbitrarily, or by gods desire our hard work is taken away from us. Infamous goes on to foster themes of chaos, compassion, overambition, disenfranchisement and injustice in a very compelling fashion that tie well into its ultimatum where however you chose to live your life, it won't matter if you didn't consider the possibility that you would some day answer for your actions. If you don't adapt, or respond to what's around you, good or bad are you really who you claim to be?

Rhythm games will never be this good again.

Okay so basically I fucking adore alice 2000 it instantly made itself among my top 10 fav games so shortly after finishing it in 3 days I looked online for a used ps3 hoping to play the sequel I'd heard so many people loved and basically it was nowhere near as good and I thought what the fuck happened.

So the guys who made the og alice 2000 went on to make hugh jackman wolverine game everybody seems to love and so a completely different studio had to take on this game.

It's kinda mid but if you're as mentally unwell as alice then it's probably better for your soul, moreso on ng+ both games are pretty comfy but I was really hoping it would be as good as alice 2000 that game fucking rules, I'm naming my kid alice 2000.

I find it adapts the combat of a game that had no real equivalent at the time to 2D in a very effective and elegant way and condenses a lot of the bloat into a simple well thought-out and better written/localized adventure that could last you anywhere between 6 and 12 hours.

Even I, a certified tcg hybrid hater find this system captivating in its way of taking a game that was kind of mind numbing and twisting it in a way that makes you think more with less depth. There is a high skill ceiling you're encouraged to reach but not demanded to, it intervenes the disney material in a more interesting way than just slapping japanese characters in, the overarching theme is better implemented and executed, the pixel art and chiptune/midi renditions of yoko shimomura's music make this stand out among the otherwise homogenous style of mainline kingdom hearts games, visually and playably there's so much legibility that just wasn't present in the ps2 games, for every concession this game makes in order to function as a gba title, it justifies itself by adding something of value. I'm left with a huge appreciation for jupiter in their way of identifying so many flaws from the original game, for their resourcefulness and creativity and just the awesome state this version released in, and a huge distaste for the ps2 remake that failed to understand what made this weird entry stand out, better yet if you play this one you might actually understand what kingdom hearts is about up to like ddd.