Weirdly in 2024, this game kinda works well, although you can see the obvious "fan service" as just fan service but I think the dialogue works more of a satire of the sexualization of the cheerleader. But I'm probably blowing smoke out of my own arse and trying to justify why I enjoyed the on the nose jokes in this game. Game is very short but it doesn't over stay it's welcome, for a hack'n'slash it's simple enough to enjoy and not over complicated for you to study. Game crashes frequently, this could be my xbox 360 or copy of the game or it crashes at certain points in the game.

I know this is a beta so it's more forgiven.

Main issues are textures, I have fallen through the map more times than I've care to count. Caves are also a big problem, especially the fire and ice caves, these caves will blind you, either the glow of the lava from the fire caves or the glitzing green glow in the ice caves.

This game could be fantastic but right now feels like a fad, a quick player base gain that falls off hard after a month. I look forward to seeing how it grows.

If I can describe this game, it's that it repetitive and very primitive. I enjoyed it when I first played it since but looking back, the reasons I dislike Mafia 3 is the same reasons I dislike this game. I did 100% this title almost twice if that means anything in its favor but that was 13 years ago.

Shadow Warrior 2 is one of the most mediocre experiences I've had to date. From it's lack luster story, painfully repetitive gameplay and it's god awful identity crisis that makes this one of the worst games I played to date. In Shadow Warrior 1 Reboot the gameplay played more like the typical Doom/Duke type that the original series was know for but SW2 on the other hand tried to be two different genres while failing at both, trying desperately to both a Loot'n Shooter and a RPG (Think Borderlands but painfully bad). I do not recommend this game, as much as the first one in the rebooted series was bland but had its moments, this game has no moments, its just all mediocre.

This game is decent and fun. Only real thing holding it back is the lack of direction arrows on some of the tracks and the spider. Otherwise just a fun arcade racer.

After racking up all the achievements in Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin I decided to go back to the original and scoop up all of those achievements and then I found myself questioning "why did they ruin this game with the Scholar version?". This version of the game is the best way to play it, although its easier than it's "Remaster" version, it does everything besides framerate better. Enemy placements in the Scholar make no sense and are placed what seems to be by random but in the Original each area feels more realistic to where they're meant to be. I usually give Scholar an 8.6 but this version is a 8.9.

This DLC harvests the best boss fight in the entire overall game, I've debated if either Sister Friede or Slave Knight Gael was the best boss but I think Gael although less challenging is the best boss in the game. When fighting Friede it doesn't quite feel like an End Boss to a DLC but Gael feels like an End Boss to an entire series of games.

You owe it to yourself to play this DLC.

Masterpiece, all you can really say about this title.

This game is a masterpiece. If you're looking to get Bloodborne, you need to get this one. To get the best of Bloodborne, you need both the maingame and DLC.

This review contains spoilers

This game was the straw that broke the camels back, took all the bad from AC2 and Brotherhood and did it 6x times over, the whole start the world anew or Desmond sacrifices himself to save the current world was out of left field and screams "The writers didn't know what to do with Desmond".

My 14 year old brain could see the cracks in this this story in 2011 and going on to play 3 and Black Flag afterwards I realised that I no longer cared for the series. This game is mediocre, it's hard to follow Brotherhood but to shit the bed this hard was insane.

This game was slept on hard. It's legit a great game with great mechanics and setting but was marketed very poorly and had an unnecessary multiplayer.

In all of the mainline pokemon games, this is still the best one. Emerald is a close second but this just has the charm of the first game, the progress you'd expect from a sequel and being able to travel between this region (Johto) and the game before (Kanto) is a great addition as well as the true ending is to face Red, a character you've already had a journey with (If you played Red/Blue first). No other mainline game quite captured that moment of "Oh damn, I'm fighting myself" quite like Crystal (Gold and Silver Gen).

Code Vein is an action adventure anime style RPG with heavily inspired elements from the Dark Souls series formula. Despite taking some inspiration from Dark Souls this game falls hard on the floor when it comes to what makes those kinda games fun and engaging. Although this game has many build variety and play styles that are the main focus to mix up combat, it easily becomes cluttered and overwhelming.

This game is stylistic in some aspects, one area stands out the most but it's ripped right from Dark Souls Anor Londo but every other area is just unappealing and feels the same as everything.

The combat is clunky and deliberate, even builds focused on speed over power still feels clunky as I experienced that most damage sponge enemies and all bosses seamlessly have a damage threshold. Say if I get the upperhand on a boss and knock them off guard, I unleash a burst of 5 light attacks with a damage output of (-439, -442, -98, -12, -8), some bosses have phase 2 and when going into the second phase, they have basically invincibility frames for a short time but even without them going into another phase, I think I'd rather my last 3 light attacks didn't register than give me poor damage out put.

By far the worst part of combat is always having a companion alongside you, this game doesn't trust the player to master the mechanics of the game and make it practically impossible without one as they act as a safety net in fights, oh hey, didn't heal at the right time in the fight and died, no worries, heres a second chance. You can play without them but it's a super challenge to your own patience and unlike Dark Souls SL1, Hollow Knight no charm run and Bloodborne BL4 runs, it's just not fun and more for masochist.

I played this for roughly 48 hours and I can say I got about 4 to 8 hours of fun but the last 40 were a chore, like tedious and draining. The story is extremely sub par and the emphasis on wearing a mask compared to the cutscenes are a joke, I'd rather they ether commit to the mask completely by never having the characters take them off or scrap them completely (I know the emphasis of the story is that air is polluted and if consuming it, you'll become a feral revenant/lost, I wish for story purposes that near the life seed trees in cutscenes, they were more human and be paranoid about completely trusting the air around the life seed trees)

As a stand alone game it's meh at best but as a souls like game, its an insult.

I think this game may be in an unfortunate state due to the fatigue of open world games in 2019. Now with that being said, this game sucks at hooking any player in at the start, when you meet the main characters at the start they are all unlikeable, you're giving 15 novels of text to bash X through when you enter the crafting menu for the first time (And other menus) and killing zombies is very, very boring. Maybe it gets better later on but if I can't stomach the first few hours, I don't want to suffer through until it gets "good".

I've not put down many games after starting them, as of yet this and Mafia 3 remain my two unfinished games that I do not look to go back to anytime soon.

I believe that this DLC is enhances the already masterpiece that is bloodborne, a feat so hard to live up to and this DLC not only lives up to but also makes me recommend to anyone looking to buy Bloodborne to also get this DLC with it.