7 reviews liked by Subby15052


Despite being the "black sheep" of the Arkham series, i believe that Batman: Arkham Origins makes a fine addition to the series. The differences in character design and voice actors were jarring at first when I first started playing especially since I played the other Arkham games, but quickly became used to them. Gameplay-wise, Arkham Origins is the best in the series up to this point. Each entry the combat keeps getting better and better, and this title is no exception. Everything flows so smoothly as you fling yourself around a brawl or creating fear when sneaking around. However, one thing that Arkham Origins doesn't improve upon over its predecessors is the skill tree. It is largely linear with very few branches, forcing you to get boring skills like health upgrades, which I largely ignored in previous games, in order to get more interesting skills like finishers, special moves, and new ways to use gadgets in combat. The open-world is also pretty bland. It feels more like generic city rather than what you would envision Gotham to look like. Although, during certain missions, you are thrown into some interesting areas like the hotel and bridge. I enjoyed the story, but it never really pulled me in like Arkham City did. Arkham Origins is well worth your time even if its predecessors still surpass it in many ways.

Fallout 76 simply isn't for me. It's past failings have forever tainted it for me. Even when trying to look past its past issues I still can't say that I find much to be enjoyable here. All of the quest that my friends and I tackled were extremely dull, albeit with one exception; when we stormed a stronghold of bandits. Also, I didn't really know what we were even doing as I had to choose to either listen to my friends or listen to whatever dialogue was being spoken, and I often found myself listening to friends as that was far more interesting. Gameplay is pretty much the same as Fallout 4 except that Vats doesn't slow time down, so do with that what you will.

Maybe the game gets more fun later on, but, I played for over six hours and had next to none. A lot of these "MMO" type games don't lead with their best foot forward. You always have to trudge through the mediocre content to get to the best and I simply don't understand why (other than laziness). To reiterate, Fallout 76 may get better after many hours, but from what I played, I do not feel the urge to push further.

Navigating the menus is like trying to read Ikea instructions but if they were in German

I had to quit this game cold turkey after staying up to 4AM on consecutive work nights

Why would I want to fight a street? This country’s infrastructure is bad enough as it is, destroying a street is just going to make it worse