Playing this made me feel the same way I do when I eat two pizzas by myself.

I once saw a dude say This is their favorite game in the franchise, cause it's so easy to soft lock yourself in it. I'm still fucked up over it.

they gave the mud monsters boobs

The other modern Personas got huge updates that massively improved their gameplay and stories, and Persona 4 got

persona 4 got golden.

There is a water sports joke here that I will not make.

I don't know, I feel like maybe if the optimal way to experience your story mode is on Youtube, where you can watch it on x1.5 speed while eating a sandwich, and not have to sit through pointless annoying CPU fights using characters you don't like or know how to play; then it Might be a bit of a problem?

The "Finding a dead insect at the end of your meal" of Video Games

Do dash cancel infinites as a girl who pronounces it "Cawfee." Clearly the greatest game ever made.

This game is Jank as all hell, but the skeleton of a Masterpiece is in there. Shame it will never get a successor to flesh that skeleton out.

Edit: Street Fighter 6 (2023)'s "World Tour Mode" has only further convinced me that this game's sequel would have Popped The Fuck Off on 7th gen consoles.

Capcom handed them the keys to the treasury and told them "Here, go print money." And they somehow lost the keys, broke the printer, And Burned the building down.

Last of the Clover Boys. Godspeed, Sam.

This Game Owns, Fucks, and Sucks.

This is honestly one of the weirdest games I've ever played.