Yharnamite Thirst is my favorite Black Metal album.

Comparing the rest of the series to this is like comparing an Atari 2600 game to a SNES game.

Bu-but no Tyris... 😢

Not really much to praise, at least killing dragons is fun again. But I'm still salty Cassandra was a male only romance option.

The run Shinji Mikami had from 2002 to 2010 is unrivaled by Any game designer alive today. A Master at the absolute Peak of his craft. Most game designers can't hope to achieve in their entire careers what this man achieved in this one Video Game.

If you were to design a game around the idea of a Low% run it would be this exact video game. If you were to make Tetris (1984) into an Action game, it would be this exact video game. If there ever was a game equivalent to the Nike of Samothrace, it would be this exact video game.

If this game actually looked like the art on the cover it would have replaced a good chunk of my personality.

After Suffering through the entire Golden Axe franchise, this game is like a cool glass of fresh spring water.

It's like discovering a popular radio rock band's first record and it's somehow a bloody raw Black Metal Album. Sublime Horror.

The game that made me want to become a creator.

As it turns out, the general public perception of racing games has a lot more in common with how horror games are evaluated than it does with other "sports" genres.

Gotta say, pretty decent for a game developed with a budget of 500 Yen, a half empty can of vending machine coffee, and a live rat the only animator caught in the studio basement.

Plus they got the most important thing right, Tyris' abs. 🥰

Tyris. 😭
Tyris Why is your buffer system so bad Tyris why. 😭

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T- Tyris... 😳

Wholesome Indie Platformer: Enemies to Lovers Edition

This Game Owns, Fucks, and Sucks.