Variable framerates and who is Hammerhead?!

The Spider-Man game with the best style, attitude and framerate!

Sequel to the drunk driving, call this the hangover simulator.

Drunk driving simulator, comes with motion blur.

I got so many bitches getting the high scores in this game.

This game released in 1997 in Japan then got a US release in 2003. I don't fucking know.

The back of the box claims this is the best 3D platformer ever. Maybe on a different platform but not on PS1 that's for sure.

Beautiful 2D game, great soundtrack, good controls, HORRIFIC LEVEL DESIGN!

First Traveller's Tales game on the PS1. Uses an engine that would be the centerpiece for their future titles on the system. Capable of running at 60fps, this game is a technical showpiece everything else is a mess.

Best Ridge Racer game, absolutely beautiful game with an astonishingly good soundtrack.