Oh boy this game... This to me is the worst Spider-Man game I ever played. But first let's talk about the things I like.

Graphically, this game looks very good. Collecting comic books is good. Voice acting is good. Boss fights were decent. But not all that good. And I like the suits that they had. They added some new side content. Which is fine. Also Stan Lee is in the game and he is awesome. And that's all. I literally don't have ANYTHING else to say that's positive.

My god HOW DID YOU MESS UP THE WEB-SWINGING?! Like in the first game the web-swinging was good. But now it is very janky and very hard to control. I shouldn't have to fight against the game to web-swing. The face models look sooooo ugly and jarring. Even worse than the first game. It was hard to take the story serious with the face models. Also yeah the story. It just.... it sucks. it feels like they brought in a couple of ideas and try to out them all in such a messy way. It's honestly very lackluster. Even more than the story in Sonic Forces. Remember Electro? You know the main guy of the film? Yeah well he's only in one of the levels in the game and doesn't show up at all until it is almost the end of the game. Yep. I am not joking. Also remember Gwen Stacy? The main love interest of Peter for the TASM movies? Who is a very important character? Who's death in the second movie effected Peter badly? Well she is NOT IN THE GAME AT ALL! I am not joking. They literally mentioned her ONCE and that was it. The boss fight for Kingpin wasn't bad, it is just so annoying. Especially with the fat jokes that Peter makes. I know Spider-Man quips, but he does fat jokes EVERY 5 MINUTES it gets annoying. His quips were supposed to annoy the people he fights, not the players who is playing the game. And not only that but he also makes fat jokes about Kingpin during the cutscenes. It isn't offensive, it's just tedious and repetitive. It's like they are trying way to hard to make the players laugh. But all it did was annoyed me and make me groan. The combat and stealth, despite being SLIGHTLY improved, still needs improvement. It still feels like an Arkham clone. Even more than the first game. I mean they made Spider Sense into the detective mode. It is almost exactly like detective mode. My god.... the hero/menace meter.... It has to be one of the dumbest gaming mechanics I have ever see in a video game. I mean really. Since the enemy AI is very annoying this involves it too. When your meter is on the menace levels, the Task Force will try to attack you. When the meter is on the Hero level, you will be okay. Thanks to the enemy AI I had to deal with these annoying Task Force enemies and get a headache. I know what you are thinking, "Why don't you just stop crimes to get your meter on the hero side?" I. Did. And it is such a tedious way of making sure no enemies attack you while you're web swinging through the city. It just felt so repetitive and tedious. The more I kept playing, the more I just want to quit.

Overall, it's a very rushed bad Spider-Man game. SO many gameplay and story executions that went down the drain. Barely any improvements is shown. It barely even adapted anything from the movie. It is honestly a terrible movie sequel tie-in game to the first game. I would definitely not recommend it. Just go watch the movie if you like. Despite me disliking TASM2, at least it wasn't.... this.

Honestly, this is a pretty nice adaptation that was licensed from the movie. I enjoyed that it took place after the first movie. It's honestly good that it has an original plot. Graphically, the game looks very good on PS3. Voice actors are honestly very impressive. The combat and stealth is good. I enjoyed some of the sections. The game shows how well Peter struggled through his adventure. Web Rush is honestly such a nice gameplay feature for the game.... when it wants to actually work. Web-swinging feels very good. The way that they made New York in the game was made very well. The boss battles were very good. My favorite has to be the Black Cat boss. The story is handled very well. It is honestly a very good Spider-Man story in this game.

The reason why I said Web Rush is good when it wants to work, is that the Web Rush can mostly be very weird. Sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn't. The voice actor for Peter, despite being a good voice actor for Spider-Man, is not a good choice for Andrew Garfield Spider-Man. The face models look very weird on characters. Though Gwen's might be the best, but she doesn't look like Emma Stone. The side content can be fun at first, but the more I play it became very tedious. Sometimes the buttons won't respond to the game. I would try to counter or do a signature move and yet it acts like I didn't press the buttons. I know you guys might think that it's probably my controller, but it's not. I played Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension and my controller works very well. No issues with it. The biggest problem with this game is that it tries so hard to be an Arkham clone.... and try to be it's own Arkham, but it didn't do well. It should've made this game have very unique Spider-Man gameplay.

Overall, the game does have charm to it, despite its flaws. I can definitely see the charm that it has. It has effort going for it. It is still a playable Spider-Man game. I'd say go ahead and play it if you like.

Idk why it's even called an educational game when nothing is educational about this. But anyways let's just discuss this game because I honestly don't wanna keep playing. I enjoy having each of the penguins having their own abilities. Gameplay is fine, but not the best. The levels look very creative.

This gameplay is fine, but it's also very bland and repetitive. Also it's pretty braindead easy. First off when we are supposed to avoid humans and cameras, there isn't any consequence in this game. You can just walk freely. Idk what's the point to having stealth when it doesn't have any consequence. Some of the levels feel very questionable in terms of game design. A few just make me question if they actually playtest this. Which is honestly why I kinda don't really wanna keep playing this. Also I HATE. HATE the flashlight minigame. Every. Single. Level. It happens randomly. The screen becomes black except for a circle which is where the flashlight is aiming it. But it feels like such a drag to find the objects you need. But what's worse about this is that... This doesn't help or benefit. Just helps pad out the game to make it more longer.

Overall, I rather just play the console version of Penguins of Madagascar Dr. Blowhole Returns Again. Despite it being average and okay. The gameplay felt too bland and boring at times. The gameplay gets very repetitive. Some levels make me wonder if this is design well or not. It's just not a good game as a whole.

You guys know how much I hated Up to wear I said it is the worst Disney/Pixar game I ever played? Well... Congrats Up! You aren't the worst Disney game. That goes to Wreck-It Ralph. The only, ONLY, thing that is to praise is that the CGI cutscenes looks very good and like it would be from the movie.

The in game cutscenes are some of the most low budget cutscenes I ever seen. Characters' facial expressions don't change. The models suck. It's like they place them on there in a photoshop project. Ralph's VA despite being a good voice for Ralph, has a very inconsistent voice direction. Went from either good, to either just bad. The platforming is just very good. The gameplay as a whole is braindead easy. The bosses suck. Felix's attack is horrible. The level design is REALLY bad. The game looks so bad for a Wii game. Also when we see the cutscene of defeating the final boss it just... abruptly end. No end cutscene, No victory screen. Just I can now do Game Mode+

Overall, such an extremely disappointment by one of my all time favorite movies. The game is seriously low budget to where you will feel bored throughout the entire experience. Bosses are hilariously easy to where you don't even need to try at all. Level design sucks as a whole and this game is just not fun. Just a boring, painfully easy, disappointing game as a whole that ties into Wreck-It Ralph. I highly recommend you don't ever play this.

I really love this game. This was such a great way to get people to be into the Back to the Future trilogy. The game feels exactly like a sequel to the trilogy. Voice acting is incredible. Especially with Marty's VA. It was very surprising that Michael J. Fox didn't voice Marty, because it sounds exactly like him. I like how the game build up Edna being the main villain throughout the episodes. The comedy is very good. Music is very nice. I also love the references to the three movies.

I feel like this game should've been delayed for more time. The game isn't broken and unplayable. There were a few bugs happening with the game. Audio can sometimes be weird though not really all that bad.

Overall, a very nice way for Back to the Future fans to enjoy the game. Definitely recommended for any fans of the series.

Oh. My. God. What an amazing game. It's just had me by surprised. Everything about this game just speaks masterpiece to me. The story is very engaging and written so well. The graphics are top notch. The artstyle of this game is one of my favorites. Voice acting is incredible. Gameplay is on another level. It is very fun. I love how challenging it can get. The boss fights are incredible. Platforming is very good. I love the different rot abilities and powers. And the soundtrack. My god is it peak.

Overall, an amazing game that Ember Lab bring to us. You should definitely check it out and play it.

I genuinely love this game. I enjoy the gravity mechanics. Combat is fun. Story is engaging and intriguing. Really enjoyed Kat as the main character. Special moves were fun. Also enjoyed Raven in this game. Also very interested in knowing more about Kat in the next game hopefully.

For the flaws... For one thing I have to mention (which is a nitpick. I won't count it as a real flaw.) I feel gravity kick and other moves would be better with having the ability to lock on to your enemies. Now for the actual real flaw. You know that one side mission where you had to put out the fires in a time limit? Yeah fuck that mission. It's very badly designed. You couldn't tell where are the fires because they don't tell you. Plus they also don't tell you where the fire extinguishers and water tanks are.

Overall, such a fun game to go through and hope to play Gravity Rush 2 in the following week.

This is just okay honestly. Platforming good. The levels look very creative and like it would be in Dr. Seuss. Bosses are alright.

Character models are honestly really ugly, except for Alec Baldin's character. He's the only normal looking on in this game. Even the cat looks very ugly in this game. This game feels way too quick to go through. Enemies can be annoying. The hit box is questionable at times. Also the whole taking over the world plot in this game is just so damn weird. Like where did this even came from.

Overall, nothing really special. I mean I know it's a licensed based game, but man I really don't feel anything through this game. Plot doesn't make sense. Platforming is good but not all special. Go ahead and play if you like. Honestly let your kids play if you like. Maybe they'll have fun.

Finished replaying the first Ratchet and Clank game that was released in 2002 and I'm honestly impressed for it being the first game in the entire series. The gun play is very fun. The guns are very useful and fun. Humor is great. Story is simple, but enjoyable and good. Voice acting, though not the best, still good after all this time. The way that these levels are designed is filled with creativity and shows they really have fun while developing this game. The soundtrack is definitely giving off that galactic space vibe, which definitely fits.

For the flaws, some stuff hasn't aged well enough. For example, the way aiming works. I honestly wish strafing was added to the PS3 collection because man is it a pain to aim sometimes. Even sometimes when doing it in first person. Ratchet is honestly, a dick. I get that it is the point since he developed to stop being like this overtime, but man does it get overboard at times. The checkpoints can be so annoying at times when you die. Especially when you are very close to the end of one section and you get unlucky so that you have to redo that entire section again.

Overall, a fun classic on the playstation that you'll have fun despite it showing it's age and that it can be dated. You won't be bored and you'll have a good time.

This game is just... horrible. It really is. I'm sorry, but my god is it badly designed. Some of the jokes definitely hit. Stewie sections are honestly decent. The cutaway gag minigames are good and funny. I like how each character has different gameplay. And yeah that's all I have to praise.

The platforming isn't all that good during the Stewie levels. They can be annoying. The Peter levels went from being decent and fun to being incredibly awful. The beat em up style gameplay for him is incredibly badly designed. But oh my god don't even get me started on the Brian levels. They are so awful. Even worse than the Peter levels. His stealth levels are horrible. It made me incredibly frustrated through the entire time I played as him. Especially when some of his sections made it infuriating to go through without being caught. Also them gave him a meter to have him get out of the opening to piss and do.. other stuff that I'm not gonna say. Also why is Spongebob music in this game?

Overall, I honestly gave up on this game. I don't wanna play it ever again. Fuck this game. Never gonna play it again. Outside of the Stewie levels, the gameplay is entirely frustrating. Nothing to praise. Hopefully Back to the multiverse is better but... I don't even know.

This is a pretty short game I have to say. Voice acting is honestly good though not the best. Character models look decent. Even though the hints Mike gives you don't really help all that much, the lines from him are kinda funny.

The gameplay is really the main issue with the entire game. The platforming... yeah it's trash. Not really good at all. Sully's jump is very garbage. Game can be glitchy at times. One glitch I encountered was when the screen starts flickering weirdly as it was because the camera got fused with one of the NPCs in the apartment level. You can also get stuck in areas. One glitch that had me so confused is during the level where Mike and Sully are banished, for some reason I got killed by an avalanche and I didn't know how or why that happened. This game feels too short. They should've added in more levels. Also the CDA agents are completely annoying. You can get caught by them a lot through no fault on your own. For example, in that apartment level I talked about, when you go in an elevator you wouldn't know if they are right there outside the doors. Which can result in you getting caught and having to fail.

Not the worst game I ever played, but it's pretty bad. If they would've made the game slightly longer and made the platforming better, then this game would be decent at best. But honestly, game is just a standard bad licensed based game. So in my opinion please put this game back where it came from or so help me.

This is a very good game. I like the different abilities the penguins have so that they don't feel the same. The level design is good. The voice actors came back to voice the characters which is very awesome. The minigames are very fun. Though for problems, I wish this game has a lot more to it. When I finished it, I still wish I was wanting to have more to this game. But overall, a very enjoyable game.


This is a great stress reliever of a game. A few moments where it can be kinda annoying, but overall a very good game. It isn't as engaging as like games like God Of War 2018. But it is still a fun game to play and enjoy.

Okay.... this game. This game was such a massive disappointment to the first Lego Movie videogame. This game just felt so damn uninteresting and boring. This game felt so damn rushed and so damn incomplete. It feels like the developers didn't get a good enough budget. Which is why the worlds felt so short and the story was rushed and the fact that voice actors barely said anything. They got rid of master build and made it only have instruction build. Which is bad because the point of the movies is to be imaginative and creative. The story and how it was handled was awful. Especially with Rex. He never was focused on until the final part. I'm serious. Just skip this one if you like. I don't recommend this.

This game is pretty much average. Could be better. The soundtrack is very good. Voice acting is good. The gameplay levels is fun. I like the chase sections.

Why is this game so hard? I understand if it's where the game gets hard as you keep playing, but the difficulty spike on here is just bad. Whoever controls the lighting of the game needs to rework it. I mean a lot of levels are so dark. I mean it caused me so many deaths because I can't see anything. I know what you guys are thinking "Maybe your computer's brightness is low." ....It is on 100% lol. And the worst thing about this game is... the sliding puzzles. It's not that they are hard, it's that they are very time consuming. Whenever I see one I am just like, "Jesus christ stop..." It's not giving the game variety, it's just giving the game more stuff only to fill up the game's run time.

Overall, I definitely see the potential of this game. Maybe give fixed the difficulty spike, brighten up the levels, and remove the sliding puzzles. If these issues are fixed then this game would went from 3 stars to 4 stars.