This game is one of the worst games I've ever played. This is literally awful. Terrible. An abomination. I'm not even joking or playing around. It is that bad. Gameplay is just horrible. I literally cannot defeat the first boss. It isn't hard just to be challenging like with Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It's literally in the worst kind of hard. It's just impossible to beat it. Well I'm not sure because there are people who beat it, but I don't wanna keep playing this bad excuse of a game. This is probably, no the worst Batman game to ever exist. I know I shouldn't judge it or review it since I can't get past the first boss, but this game pisses me off. And no, it isn't bad because it's hard. It's bad because it's badly design and unplayable.

This game is just very bad. Not the worst that ever exists but it's a very bad game. I like how the voice actors came back and they did a very good job with voice acting. Soundtrack is very good. Most of the models look great except for like some of them. I enjoy all the villains that are in this game. I also love how this is based off of the animated series. The story is written well for a mystery and it is very great.

Now for the bad. Notice how I didn't mention any of the gameplay mechanics? Yeah well the gameplay is REALLY bad. It feels very clunky and janked. Most of the missions are a pain. They barely give you any health packs for these sections. The level design for most of the levels is awful. The combat sucks. One big issue is the joker thugs. I really DESPISE them in this game. They keep throwing in cheap hits without giving the player a single opening and before the player could get a chance to block. They also have this move where they grab you in a hug and squeeze you. They keep on spamming this and it made me so annoyed throughout fighting them. Another huge issue is the first person mode is awful. Why have your gadgets in first person? It is not a good mechanic to have for your game.

Overall, not a great game for Batman fans or fans of the Animated Series. Hopefully rise of sin tzu is a lot better and actually decent at least.

This is honestly the best Ben 10 game I have ever played. It is very fun. The characters are spot on. Gameplay is good. The combat and counter mechanics is good. I love how it showcases the ultimate alien forms so good. Graphically it looks good. I love how they utilize the aliens' abilities in the game. Music is very good.

During the levels when you save, the game crashes. I mean, I'm glad that it doesn't lose my progess, but it still is annoying when I have to always turn my PS3 off and on. The game models are REALLY ugly and bad. I mean I am glad they look like what they are supposed to, but that doesn't mean the models look good.

Overall, a very good Ben 10 game. the best in the series, I recommend this.

Played this because of the 25th Anniversary of the show that I love growing up and still do to this day. This is a very fun game to play. I love how each of the levels in the game are like episodes you would watch from the show. I like how they brought in every character here including the Kankers. Soundtrack definitely seems like it belongs to the show. I like how the abilities each Ed shares is represents their personalities. Humor is also as funny like with the show. The hub world for the game (the Cul-De-Sac) is honestly something they didn't have to do but I'm glad they brought it here to make the game more like Ed, Edd N Eddy. I also love how the 2D cutscenes is the same artstyle as the show.

The models for the characters. Looks ugly. I mean... they look exactly like the characters, but very ugly still. The AI for the other eds you don't play as is very dumb. What's worse about this is that you need to advanced with all three of the Eds. They cna get caught or stuck in anything and what's annoying is you have to go back to get them. Also when one of them dies, you all die. In the Urban Rangers level, I had Eddy or Double D always falls off the platform and had us all die. It's incredibly annoying.

This is definitely a perfect game for Ed, Edd N Eddy fans. Is the game amazing? No, but it's still great. from level design to soundtrack, this is definitely something that fans of the show will really love.

I don't think I will ever come back to this game every game. Good things about this game? Well I love how they brought in the enemies from the show in. I also love the retro feel of the game.

Honestly fuck this game. I'm sorry but I tried to beat it. Tried to give it the benefit of the doubt. Challenge in games is fine. Like Dark Souls, Final Fantasy VII Remake. But this game is challenging in a bad way. The whole "one hit, you die" rule is annoying as hell and make things impossible for you to get through. At least when Mario games have that one hit, you die rule at least you get powerups to help you. Here? They only give you the Death Kwon Do powerup only once, or don't even do that at all. The spaceship gameplay went from being fun and interesting to being bullshit. Too many enemies in those sections for me to get through too escape or even fight at all.

As a fan of Regular Show, just watch the series. Don't ever touch this game or give it the benefit of the doubt. I mean you can try it out if you like, but I honestly don't wanna give this game another chance at all.

I have finally completed Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Now for my thoughts. I honestly think this game is just as good as Spider-Man 1. I enjoyed the story, despite there being flaws to it. I love the moments with Peter and the symbiote. I really enjoyed the side content. The web swinging is improved a lot. The web gliding is so damn good and it controls just as good as Batman does in the arkham games. I like how they written Harry also. Kraven though was written so well. The voice acting is amazing and an improvement. I love how Mr. Negative was redempted. The bosses battles are an improvement too. The Kraven and Symbiote Peter boss fights are my favorite of this game. And for Venom, I like what they did with him. he's really cool and I like his motivation. Although.....

Yeah I wish Venom wasn't rushed. I was surprised that we haven't gotten more with him. Like I said, I like what they did with Venom, but I wish they cook more with him. Wish Insomniac wasn't rushed by Sony Interactive. I also wish that the endgame point was longer just like with Spider-Man 1. I don't know why they even gave Miles the adidas suit instead of giving him like a better looking suit. It wouldn't be an issue if it was like an optional suit, but it's a story suit so.... lol. Also we had that moment back in the Miles Morales game. Though the game does seem slightly buggy. Though it only happened to me for a few times.

Other than that, I really love this game and glad I got this for Christmas. This is definitely tied with Spider-Man 1. Honestly don't know which I prefer more.

Despite me preferring Marvel's Spider-Man 1 including the story, this game is very close up there and is very amazing. I love the new gameplay mechanics they have for Miles' powers. The gadgets are very great. Really enjoyed using the remote mines. Love the side missions and the friendly neighborhood sid quests. They really showed what it means to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Story and villain are very interesting and engaging.

My only problems are with that I wish that you can fight more villains instead of just being Rhino and Tinkerer. ALso I wish Tinkerer would be kinda better written. I like her but she was kinda annoying some of the times.

Overall, great game. Play it right now since it's right around the holidays. One of my favorite christmas games to play.

Finished replaying and this is... the Best Spider-Man game I have ever played (haven't played 2 yet))

The web swinging is amazing and controls so good. I love the combat. It fits Spider-Man very well. The suits are very good. I love how they came from different sets of comics, including movies. The story is almost flawlessly. Mr. Negative and Doc Ock is written so well that I hated that they turned out the way they did, only because it sucks at what happened to them. This is such an amazing adaptation for Spider-Man and it has one of my most favorite portrayals of the character. The different collectibles and side content is amazing.

Even though the story is almost flawless, one issue I had was how MJ was written. I didn't like how she gets upset and breaks up with Peter just because he is protective of her. Despite the fact that they are in a world filled with dangerous villains. Plus the fact that she gets into any dangerous situation without thinking of the consequences or the fact that she could get in trouble. Another thing I dislike is the stealth sections with Miles and MJ. One thing I could fix is that you should give them a weapon and an actual health meter. Because I get annoyed when I failed the section because I get caught ONCE.

Overall, I truly love this game despite the few flaws I have. This to me, is the definition of the best Spider-Man game. I highly recommend.

This is a very nice surprise to go through. From playing the 2D style gameplay of Little Big Planet 2 and 3, I am very satisfied with what they did for this game. It is a very enjoyable and fun game to play for those who are fans of the franchise and love 3D platformers. The level design is very cool to go through. The costumes are nice to get. Despite the story being simple, it is very fun to go through. I also love how the cutscenes for the game is animated from the last little big planet games. My only issue with the game is the the trials can be mostly miss over hit.

Overall, a very nice and relaxing experience for those who love Little Big Planet and 3D platformers. Definitely, an adventure you guys wanna have.

Been so long since I played it. Definitely really enjoyed coming back to it. I can see why I had so much fun playing it when I was younger. Enjoyed having a blast and solving problems with my miis in Tomodachi Life. There's even a lot of things to do with the game so that you're not bored. I am taking a break from the game since I wanna focus on other games and stuff. But anyways, genuinely a very fun game that you can enjoy yourselves with. If you have a 3DS or even an emulator then give this a try.

What a masterpiece of a game. I'm glad I get to reply this again. Definitely love this one. I love how expanded this is from the original game. Story is so damn fantastic. The characters are amazing. Graphically, it is such a beautiful game. Soundtrack is one of my all time favorites. Voice acting is done so damn well. The gameplay is definitely amazing. Combat is honestly one of my most favorite of any game. Bosses are so damn amazing.

Overall, a masterpiece of a game like I said. Everything about it makes me love Final Fantasy VII even more than I originally did. From its story to its gameplay. I can not wait to play Final Fantasy VII Remake tomorrow. I can't wait to see what they did for the sequel. I just know it is gonna be just as amazing as this game.

Definitely a fantastic game for me to replay through again. I love how the gameplay from Sly 2 is brought and they redefined it. The disguise mechanic is cool. Humor is great. Graphically it looks slightly better. Animated 2D cutscenes seem to be slightly improved. Story is almost as great as Sly 2's story. I also enjoy the different gameplay mechanics from the other members of the cooper gang. Bossea are also very great. The ending is also very amazing.

For flaws, I feel like Dr. M should've been written better imo. Also I HATE the pirate ship gameplay. The "Dead Man Tell No Tales" episode is good. But I hate the pirate ship gameplay.

Overall, genuinely one of my all time favorite games. Close to being as good as Sly 2. You guys should definitely play this one if you enjoy the other two Sly Cooper games.

Where do I even begin? This is one of the worst games I ever played. Hell this is definitely the WORST Spider-Man game I have ever played The only good thing about it is that the actors return to voice their characters.

Other than that, this game is an unplayable mess. It's very rage inducing and very broken. Tobey's voice acting is bad. It sounds like he's bored. The missions are awful. The times where you fail during missions can be very annoying. Stealth is awful. The enemy AI is just annoying. The characters in the game is so ugly. Some of the missions can be either tedious, badly designed, hard (in a bad way), or all of the above. I'm sorry but I just can't finish this. I literally kept trying. I literally do, but this game is just too bad.

Oh boy this game... This to me is the worst Spider-Man game I ever played. But first let's talk about the things I like.

Graphically, this game looks very good. Collecting comic books is good. Voice acting is good. Boss fights were decent. But not all that good. And I like the suits that they had. They added some new side content. Which is fine. Also Stan Lee is in the game and he is awesome. And that's all. I literally don't have ANYTHING else to say that's positive.

My god HOW DID YOU MESS UP THE WEB-SWINGING?! Like in the first game the web-swinging was good. But now it is very janky and very hard to control. I shouldn't have to fight against the game to web-swing. The face models look sooooo ugly and jarring. Even worse than the first game. It was hard to take the story serious with the face models. Also yeah the story. It just.... it sucks. it feels like they brought in a couple of ideas and try to out them all in such a messy way. It's honestly very lackluster. Even more than the story in Sonic Forces. Remember Electro? You know the main guy of the film? Yeah well he's only in one of the levels in the game and doesn't show up at all until it is almost the end of the game. Yep. I am not joking. Also remember Gwen Stacy? The main love interest of Peter for the TASM movies? Who is a very important character? Who's death in the second movie effected Peter badly? Well she is NOT IN THE GAME AT ALL! I am not joking. They literally mentioned her ONCE and that was it. The boss fight for Kingpin wasn't bad, it is just so annoying. Especially with the fat jokes that Peter makes. I know Spider-Man quips, but he does fat jokes EVERY 5 MINUTES it gets annoying. His quips were supposed to annoy the people he fights, not the players who is playing the game. And not only that but he also makes fat jokes about Kingpin during the cutscenes. It isn't offensive, it's just tedious and repetitive. It's like they are trying way to hard to make the players laugh. But all it did was annoyed me and make me groan. The combat and stealth, despite being SLIGHTLY improved, still needs improvement. It still feels like an Arkham clone. Even more than the first game. I mean they made Spider Sense into the detective mode. It is almost exactly like detective mode. My god.... the hero/menace meter.... It has to be one of the dumbest gaming mechanics I have ever see in a video game. I mean really. Since the enemy AI is very annoying this involves it too. When your meter is on the menace levels, the Task Force will try to attack you. When the meter is on the Hero level, you will be okay. Thanks to the enemy AI I had to deal with these annoying Task Force enemies and get a headache. I know what you are thinking, "Why don't you just stop crimes to get your meter on the hero side?" I. Did. And it is such a tedious way of making sure no enemies attack you while you're web swinging through the city. It just felt so repetitive and tedious. The more I kept playing, the more I just want to quit.

Overall, it's a very rushed bad Spider-Man game. SO many gameplay and story executions that went down the drain. Barely any improvements is shown. It barely even adapted anything from the movie. It is honestly a terrible movie sequel tie-in game to the first game. I would definitely not recommend it. Just go watch the movie if you like. Despite me disliking TASM2, at least it wasn't.... this.

Honestly, this is a pretty nice adaptation that was licensed from the movie. I enjoyed that it took place after the first movie. It's honestly good that it has an original plot. Graphically, the game looks very good on PS3. Voice actors are honestly very impressive. The combat and stealth is good. I enjoyed some of the sections. The game shows how well Peter struggled through his adventure. Web Rush is honestly such a nice gameplay feature for the game.... when it wants to actually work. Web-swinging feels very good. The way that they made New York in the game was made very well. The boss battles were very good. My favorite has to be the Black Cat boss. The story is handled very well. It is honestly a very good Spider-Man story in this game.

The reason why I said Web Rush is good when it wants to work, is that the Web Rush can mostly be very weird. Sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn't. The voice actor for Peter, despite being a good voice actor for Spider-Man, is not a good choice for Andrew Garfield Spider-Man. The face models look very weird on characters. Though Gwen's might be the best, but she doesn't look like Emma Stone. The side content can be fun at first, but the more I play it became very tedious. Sometimes the buttons won't respond to the game. I would try to counter or do a signature move and yet it acts like I didn't press the buttons. I know you guys might think that it's probably my controller, but it's not. I played Phineas and Ferb Across the 2nd Dimension and my controller works very well. No issues with it. The biggest problem with this game is that it tries so hard to be an Arkham clone.... and try to be it's own Arkham, but it didn't do well. It should've made this game have very unique Spider-Man gameplay.

Overall, the game does have charm to it, despite its flaws. I can definitely see the charm that it has. It has effort going for it. It is still a playable Spider-Man game. I'd say go ahead and play it if you like.