This game seems fun. Glad to have seen why people enjoy this game. The platforming is good. Designs of the areas in each level is good. Soundtrack is great. Artstyle is good. Humor is great. Boss battles are fun.

Some instances of game design had me question it. Some areas had me annoyed though not all that much. The zoomer controls so badly. The double barely registers half the time. It isn't my controller because this doesn't happen to me when I played through other games. Even my attack button acts wonky.

This is definitely a good game. I enjoyed this game for what it is. I can see why people like this game. But to me, it hasn't aged well. Despite it's fun gameplay and platforming, its flaws holds this game back.

I have finally. Finally finished Sonic The Hedgehog (2006). Thank god. The characterization is amazing. The soundtrack is top tier and one of my favorites in the entire series AND overall. Shadow's Story is well written. The CGI cutscenes are just gorgeous.

The loading screens. Yeah my god they are bad. I'm sure they aren't as bad as on Xbox, but man on Playstation can they be long as hell and annoying. When you talk to an NPC, they gave you a side quest and you said yes and loading screen. Then give you information that's obvious or that you already know and... loading screen. It's crazy that you need a loading screen just for a single piece of dialogue to get into ANOTHER loading screen. The story as a whole though? Is garbage. Awful. Convoluted. Filled with plot holes. Sonic's story is god awful. Silver's story is bad. Elise is such a boring and bland character that I can't find anything great about her. Nothing special about her like with Blaze, Amy, and Rouge. Just.... nothing. They hardly used Blaze AT ALL until the ending of Silver's story. Which is disappointing. The gameplay.... My god it is... such a awful experience. The level design is god awful. The stages don't seem finished. The gameplay is glitchy and buggy. For example, in Wave Ocean when you're being chase by killer whales, you could miss a dash pad through no fault of your own yet the game is supposed to push you to the next dash pad. The mach speed sections are badly designed and terrible. It seems like a good idea, but the execution is bad.Besides Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow. I hated how each character plays. Knuckles and Rouge get stuck on walls and can't even get off until the game demands it. Tails, Amy, and Silver is slow as hell. The enemy AI is garbage. The boss designs are awful. Silver's gameplay is the worst out of everyone's. I hate how we have to go through the blue side quests in order to go through the story because it just feels like they are trying to pad out the game. The physics are god awful. The game looks ugly. The models are the humans characters look so ugly. Its graphics are just awful. I mean.... how is it that Beyond Good and Evil (a game released on Gamecube) looks better than this game. Uncharted Drake's Fortune on PS3 looks better than this. Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Hell Sly 3 looks better than this game. How is that possible that this game looks worse than a PS2 game?

Overall, one of the worst Sonic games I have experience. From its gameplay to its story. Although there are things to praise, the huge amount of flaws outweighs all of the good. It's clear that this game had potential, but Sega of course got way too involved and rushed Sonic Team from the product to be at its full potential. Just an extremely bad game that got rushed and unfinished and is a complete broken product.

I'm honestly impressed with this game. Good platforming. Great way to show a lot of references to Playstation. Incredibly fun. Hope they do more with Astro like give him his own 3D platforming game. Great PS5 tech demo for people to relax and enjoy themselves in this game.

This is... an experience I should say. My first couple of playthroughs years ago made me not like the game. As I got older, I replayed it and have given my thoughts whether or not Sonic and the Black Knight has aged well. Graphics look great. Artstyle is good. Soundtrack is peak. Story is written very well and one of the best in the series. Sonic's characterization is on point. The final boss, Dark Queen, is amazing. Gameplay wise, story wise, and soundtrack wise. The 2D cutscenes is amazing. It has such an amazing artstyle and animation. Voice acting is great.

The gameplay? Yeah it's what's leaving me from saying this is a good game. At first I thought that the game actually controls well, but as I kept playing oh BOY was I wrong. The controls are trash. It's very hard for me to control Sonic. Idk why is it that they can't let Sonic turn around. Some of the stages are badly designed. The whole 2d section is annoying. Playing as Percival, Gawain, and Lancelot felt very awful. The boss fights are garbage. Merlina's the only actual good boss fight. While the Knights boss fights felt way too damn easy and short, and King Arthur's boss fight is annoying as hell.

Sonic fans have stated that this is "one of the best Sonic games." Though I disagreed. If the gameplay was designed better then I would agree. Though after what I had gone through replaying this game, this is just an average experience. Yeah the story and characterization is amazing, but the gameplay knocks this game down a lot. It's bad design, annoying 2D section, shallow gameplay made me not enjoy it as a Sonic fan. I was hoping my thoughts would change since I got older, but it kinda did. Though not in a good way.

Extremely impressed with Ratchet & Clank on PS5. The story is great. Enjoyed the gameplay. They really did great with the character models for Ratchet and Rivet. I honestly enjoyed having Rivet as a character and a new addition to the franchise. Including Kit too. The guns are incredible and so fun. The bosses are also fun and designed well.

This to me is definitely the best Ratchet and Clank game I played so far. Enjoyed what they did from the PS2 era trilogy to what they did now. Both story and gameplay wise. I can't wait for the next game with Ratchet and Clank and with Rivet and Kit. Definitely one of my all time favorite games.

I honestly enjoyed this. Graphics look good for a PS2 game. It has good lighting. Enjoyed the gameplay of it. I like the chase sections with WALL-E and EVE the most. I also like the artifacts and they have funny WALL-E scenes. Really like the platforming. Also gotta give it to this game for getting the music from the intro of the movie to the intro of this game. The death animations in this game can feel a very creepy vibe too which is very funny. And very cool. They remind me of the death animations of the Ratatouille game (I already know they helped made that game too don't worry). I also enjoyed how it adapted from the movie and like the moments of WALL-E and EVE in this game.

Honestly the epilogue is just... there. Nothing to really make you keep playing and it's incredibly short. I don't get what's really the point of doing the epilogue. The combat for this game is just... okay? Not all that fun, though not the worse.

Overall, a great movie tie in, that may be not the best but you'll definitely feel satisfied and having fun. I honestly recommend it if you are a fan of the movie.

Going through this game after years is honestly kinda disappointing. I mean not as disappointing as when I spent money on Madagascar 3 for PS3, but you know what I mean. They did good with the roster. Kratos, Ratchet & Clank, jak & Daxter, Cole/Evil Cole, Nathan Drake, Sly Cooper, Sackboy, PaRappa, and plenty of other classic playstation characters are here. Their moveset definitely shows the developers did their best with this game. Even the different sections are done so well. I also love the different outfits each character has and having their own theme. Enjoyed their own story sections of the game and how the rival scenes are.

The gameplay is something that I wish can be proved upon. For exmaple of how you get kills in he game. I'm glad that this feels different than Smash Bros, but I wish they didn't have to make this feel WAY too different. I'm really not into using supers to be the only way to get kills. The final boss fight in each character's story is incredibly lackluster. Some rival scenes are fine but honestly some of them feel too rushed like they HAVE to fight. Which is honestly kinda disappointing.

I definitely see the potential in this game. though it's just disappointing Though I do say it is very fun I have to say. If you like, make sure to play this game with other people to have a much better experience. I will be playing more of this game on my own to get more costumes and clear a lot of the stories for these characters. Also I appreciate having Kat from Gravity Rush here.

I am honestly pleased and impressed with The Fairly OddParents first ever video game. I enjoyed how each level is like an episode of the show. But what's even more good about this is that it has an overarching plot of trying to get the pages of Da Rulez back. Voice actors came back which is good. Music is done well. I like how they got the theme song back. Platforming is good. Level design is good. Characters models look good, though can be weird looking at times. I also love how when you collect the Crimson Chin cards you get trailers of other Nick games, clips from the show, and a video on character designs for the video game. It's honestly cool.

I agree that the voice actors coming back for this game is good. But man the audio quality is so bad. Voice acting has better quality in any other PS2/Gamecube era games. Why does this one have where the voices are low quality. This game has very obvious audio issues. Some where it doesn't sync all that well. In some scenes there is supposed to be where characters laugh together, but those scenes get ruined when one character does one long dragged on laugh, then the next character does so. It's just awkward as hell. Timmy's jump can be weird at times and kinda annoying. I wish the "final boss" for Dragon Vicky was an actual boss instead of making it where you have to wait until she lands on platforms. I wish they make characters more expressive and have more animations. There are a few scenes where characters are not looking at each other, and most where they stand there awkwardly and smile through moments where they shouldn't smile. Idk it's just weird that the Ed, Edd, N Eddy and Madagascar games have better animations and have characters be more expressive than this game.

Overall, this game is good. Despite being very flawed, you won't be disappointed by it. It's a fun platforming game that is fun for people who enjoy The Fairly OddParents. If the audio issues were fixed in better quality and the characters would have better animation and expressions than I would've bump this up to four stars honestly.

This was a surprising game to play and have fun with. I enjoy the minigames of the game. Genuinely fun when playing with other people. The models for the penguins look way too good. They did good for a 3D club penguin video game.

Only problem though is that the story mode is just.... there. It's simple, but extremely too simple.

Overall, a good game to play with friends and to have fun. Go ahead if you have other people to play with.

This is such a fantastic game and a fantastic sequel to the first game. The new gravity shifting styles are so fun and very nice. I'm glad they have their own unique abilities and moves. I enjoyed the combat a lot more with the style abilities. I also enjoy the combat with Kat and Raven working together. Bosses are improved. The endgame section is even better than the last game. The game is very emotional and tear jerking. Soundtrack is better. The artstyle is even better. Graphically it looks amazing. Story is written even more better. Side missions are even more better than the last ones.

Overall, a fantastic sequel that's even better to than its first game which I love. Everything from its story and gameplay is even better than before.I really enjoyed this game. Go play this game and the first game. I highly recommend them.

Gameplay is interesting. Like the Disney worlds that they have. Disney costumes are cool. It controls very good. I like the level intros. They are very funny. But there is one huge flaw of this game...

It's so damn incredibly boring. It's very tedious. Nothing interesting happens through them. I like beat em up style games but I wish they did more with it. Combat doesn't interest me. Nor does it get better through out the game. Also the game felt like such a slow to go through.

Overall, this is a very boring and tedious game with nothing interesting to give it. I feel like the game should've been been more different and interesting through the levels. Like with the Over the Hedge game, they made it very interesting and made the gameplay very fun that won't leave you bored. For a Disney game, this doesn't make me happy at all. Not a universe I wouldn't wanna explore again, but will be willing to whenever I would like to.

Honestly, this is a gem that everyone should give a try. This game is very fun. For a beat em up style game it made me impressed. The gameplay is fun and designed well. Voice acting is great... for the most part. Soundtrack definitely hits. Minigames are hit or miss. But most definitely hit. I also how the game takes place during the endpoint of the movie to having it's own original plot after the first few levels. I also how there are different scenes depending on which character is for player 1 and player 2

Voice acting can be dry at times. Despite most of the voice acting being good. I honestly enjoy the scenes of characters having different dialogue, but some of the dialogue are strange and questionable and won't make sense.

Overall, a very great movie game tie in that won't leave you bored. If you have a friend you know, go ahead and play with them if they like. It is a fun co op game. A very great game that will have you Rocking the Suburbs! (Yes I went there. And no I'm not sorry lol)

Replayed Sonic Forces after years from my first gameplay of this game. Majority say this is the worst Sonic game of all time. That this is Sonic at his worst. Yeah I don't believe that. I think this game is just okay and decent. I love how the levels look in the game. I enjoyed having to create my own avatar. They did a great job with many different species. Though I do wish they would add in species of what animals the other Sonic characters are. Infinite looks so damn cool. The music is very great. I enjoyed what they did. Voice acting is decent enough. Story is... decent? Fist Bump is incredible.

Let's start off by addressing Sonic "dying." I mean I know he wasn't gonna actually die. But I don't get what's the point of showing them knocking out Sonic and making him seem like he's dead... Just to have two cutscenes later of "NAH WE'RE JUST FUCKING WITH YA! SONIC IS ALIVE!" They could've have the reveal shown later on and have the game get longer. The stages felt either too short, too easy, or honestly both. Most of the stages I basically say, "Wait that's it? They weren't this short when I was younger." Tails is basically useless here. I'm sorry but he was fine with taking on Chaos 4 but acted scared with Chaos freaking 0.... Nostalgia is used bad here. The concept of using villains from different Sonic games for this game is a great idea! But the execution is where it's a problem. The boss fights honestly are garbage. They felt way too easy and not all that interesting. No Chaos boss fight? No Fake Shadow Boss? Classic Sonic music for the stages is just... bad. Why is Knuckles even commander when he just got so many of the soldiers taken out? The customization for the Avatar didn't feel satisfying at all. Don't even get me started on Infinite... I like what they did design wise, but they wasted him completely and didn't do anything interesting with him. I mean... he became a villain just because Shadow called him weak... They could've at least done something with this instead of making him weak as hell.

Honestly, this game feels so damn rushed. The writing is badly written. Nostalgia baiting the fans isn't fun at all. I feel like they should've delayed this game more just to rework it better. It's just decent as of my opinion. I feel like this game gets too much hate. And I mean more hate than 06 and Boom Rise of Lyric. Not even the worst Sonic game, but my god is it not the best.

This game is pretty fun. Not all the best but certain a good game. Enjoyed the different minigames into this. Definitely brings me back to my club penguin days. Enjoyed the variety in the game. Music is nice and relaxing.

If you want to have a game to relax and take a breather from games like God of War, Dark Souls, etc, then have a blast with this one.

The sequel to Elite Penguin Force is honestly good. The models for the penguins look slightly updated to look better. The minigames are very fun and different. This game has kinda good humor despite some jokes don't hit.One thing that does seem to kinda bother me is that there isn't side stuff besides finding the snake game pieces. In the last game there were side missions and content. But here? no side missions.

Overall, a game that's slightly improved and a good sequel to the first game. Great for people who miss Club Penguin.