A masterpiece with so much to say. An incredibly unique depiction of mental health and illness through visual and level design in a way only video games could. It's both on the nose and extremely subtle.

Quest design does not respect your time and the difficulty options "Normal" and "Hard" translate to "Blindfolded" and "Bullet Sponge."

I started this game trying to optimize my vessel. Making sure there was always something cooking, that my plants were always growing, and that everything was 100%. Eventually I slowed down when I couldn't keep up. Slow is how you're meant to play this game.

If you let yourself engage with the characters, the tragedy in the second half is like nothing you've ever played.

This game has been in early access for less than a week, but is pretty much feature complete. It's riddled with very minor bugs.

I'm a sucker for this game, this studio, and especially the corny and charming writing. It's playful but will take an unexpectedly dark turn at many points. Those moments will make you curse out loud when you remember the game's promise of dark themes. Most love interest's stories are engaging and meaningful, although, one is a bit weak and another is incoherent.
There were also a few cases of emotional whiplash as the game needed to provide on both the narrative and dating part.

Finally, getting the true ending is a pain in the ass. You're gonna need a second playthrough, on top of save scumming, and probably a guide. Though, I suspect this to change. The final confrontation with the antagonist is unsatisfying, but each character's journey is not.

Charming game with its aesthetic and main cast. The gameplay is solid as a 2d beat em up with enough variety but not being too deep. The plot is mostly incoherent and "the other you" aspect is dumb but the grounded plot of finding your brother keeps you going. The ending was cathartic because of the family and friends cast. Anyways, there's a lot of homo-erotic tension between the buddy-cops.

Made me sob like a little bitch and if that doesn't warrant a 10 idk what does.

I'm glad I played it because it's such a cohesive work of art when it comes to games. Unfortunately, a lot of the social links suck ass and my gosh so does the gameplay so I can't recommend anyone play the FES version.

I wanted to like this one so bad. In the end, I came away frustrated. The game's slow by every definition. Long loads, long animations, too many loads, too many encounters. Eventually I got an item that repelled encounters and I walked to the end. The game suffers from not having a difficulty slider; combat is too easy and the solution becomes spamming physical attack which isn't fun or engaging, but it's the quickest way through. The final third feels like filler, straightup. It's just catacombs. I love the characters, except at one point the game forcialy removed one of my party members for the story. When I got them back, they were several levels beneath the team. If the game did some good, it's that each major location feels unique and you can feel the effect you have on them at the end of each chapter.

Really helped me when I was alone, trapped on a train, in a snowstorm, on Christmas Eve

COVID literally stole my junior year of high school so yeah play this game.

The Danganronpa series has been jerking itself off since the success of the first game. Everything save for the first murder is borrowed from the first 2 games. The same murders with the same archetypical characters in the same order. The ending is ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The best thing I can say about the ending is that its like watching a plane explode. It was cool to watch, and the plane's never gonna recover, but I'd feel much better if I wasn't on it.

Unlike pretty much every other competitive game, the path to victory is also the most fun.

There's nothing quite like it.