Got 2 hours in and wanted to watch the Morbius trailer instead of playing.

For a console port it’s great. I have around 450 hours on the PC version of this game. The only negative about the port is the storage system but on a PS5 you can build a decently large theme park with enough scenery for it to look nice.
Kinda wish the storage was an option as I’ll rather play with lower frames and have a massive park.

Underrated at its time although TF2 blew this out of the park.

One of the best 360 games. Was my favourite game of all time before I found P5.

The worst thing to ever touch Destiny.

I am a bit nostalgia blind to the strikes/ nightfalls but that’s it.

The campaign is the most okay thing ever. Stasis carries the entire plot.

I remember going on a 1 hour rant with my mate on how much this sucked. The only good mission was in the deep.

However! The year of content was an improvement.

When this game hit its peak it was the best online game. Still holds up decently well now but what a game

It’s a Persona fighting game… yes

Possibly the most underrated f2p game ever.

Yes there were many similarities to Overwatch but the card system and more consistent updates made this compete well.

The first time i felt sad playing a game :(

Dares of eternity is pretty good. Replayable enough.

Grasp of avarice is good fun and the soundtrack is a tune.
I think £30 is a little too expensive. (Maybe £20 is fair).