Honestly the hate for this game is a bit overblown, but it's not anything too amazing either. It's just a really safe and standard 2D Sonic game with some fun ideas and levels. The big thing that disrupts the main campaign from being up there with the other 2D Sonics are the boss fights. These type of bosses do not work in the context of a 2D sonic game, the phases take 10 years just to be able to hit the boss once and then get killed by some random bullshit.

Though, I think the biggest thing for me is that this game could have been a lot better if it was shorter and at a lower price tag. The abomination of game design known as Trip's story could have been avoided entirely if Arzest didn't feel pressured to pad the game out and make it even harder for the sake of justifying it's insane $60 price tag. Also in traditional Sonic fashion, this game is littered with bugs lmao, but it's not anything too game breaking (at least in my experience).

If you are a fan of classic Sonic games I would still recommend playing it. The main campaign is solid and worth your time despite some of it's flaws, just make sure to buy it at a heavy discount. Do not play Trip's story.

I honestly don't really have too much to say. It's a below average GameBoy platformer and the weakest mainline Mario game. I do really like how weird and different it is from other Mario games though.

I've never felt more miserable playing a video game before, especially for 100%.

Whoever designed the caves in this game, fuck you.

I do not give a fuck that this game has dookie ass combat, this game is legit life changing.

This is literally everything I could have wanted in an RPG. It has funny Dante man, peak demons like Decarabia and semi-chub Mara, and includes the sin against humanity known as Puzzle Boy. Overall, have to give it a 10/10 out of respect for Hee Ho.

Both a slightly worse and better version of FES. Visuals took a big hit which is honestly not that bad outside of the cutscenes being replaced by some really lame stills. The Answer is gone (who tf really cares tho). Combat is so much better and also the FEMC route is incredible and Portable is worth a playthrough for that alone. At the end of the day, it just comes down to preference.

Was not enjoying this game at all until I realized it wasn't about the phantom gooners but instead about DILF Zenkichi 😍😍😍

Sleeper hit of 2023. "Smooth Moves" is one of my favorite games on the Wii, hell one of my favorite games of all time, and i'm so happy to say that "Move It!" is a worthy successor to it. At least in my experience, the motion controls worked almost perfectly and I didn't really have any issues playing through the game. The microgames are so creative and take full advantage of every single one of the joy con's features, the 9-Volt ones as usual are peak.

The only thing keeping this game away from true greatness is the lack of incentives for replay and just extra content in general. One of the best things about "Get It Together" and "Gold" was having missions/achievements that could be used to unlock various things and bonus content throughout the game, and I feel like this game would've HEAVILY benefited from it. I feel like instead all the focus went into the multiplayer party modes (which i unfortunately haven't been able to try out), which is a bit disappointing but I understand the decision.

I know these games aren't everyone's cup of tea (especially when it involves motion controls) but I do highly recommend it for anyone that's somewhat curious or enjoyed Smooth Moves.