This one might be one of the best skateboarding games ever made. Revisiting it after all these years still blew my mind. Everything is so well crafter and cruising around trying to find new spots feels incredible. If I had to choose a game to play endlessly it would be this one.

(Not completed 100% but won all the major events, got the two magazine covers, and will definitely come back to it at some point.)

Really thought I'd give up on this one, but I completed the campaign anyway. Overall it's an okay game with a lot of flaws (unprecise gunplay, bland levels, etc), but still manages to be fun sometimes.

Solid gameplay, great soundtrack and doesn’t look that bad for a 2001 game.

(Completed 100% as Tony Hawk only, will revisit later.)

I always avoided the MGS franchise and thought it was overrated, but playing this for the first time in 2024 made me realize how dumb I was. It’s such an incredible game even with today’s standards. I’m now in love with the series.

Probably the best 5€ I’ve ever spent in my life.

Worth getting now if you don't already own MK8D. They got rid of the initial business model so every item is now purchasable with in-game currency, which you get by simply playing through the different modes (story mode included).

I discovered and completed all the games on this compilation for the first time ever, and I really enjoyed them for the most part. Castlevania II & The Adventure were atrocious to play, but I really liked the first one, Super Castlevania IV and Bloodlines/The New Generation.

Overall it’s a great compilation for a very cheap price when discounted (4€ on Nintendo Switch). It definitely made me consider playing the other entries in the series!

Edit: I did play SotN and the three entries on GBA. Amazing games for sure.

I revisited Titanfall 2 years after playing it first on console, and I had a blast a second time. The solo campaign is probably one of my favorite of any modern FPS games. Solid gameplay.


Wholesome open-world adventure that doesn’t length too much and does everything right. I loved every bit of it.