15 reviews liked by Taylan97

This was my first time trying any of the Mario RPG games and yeah... after all the hype this felt like baby's first RPG rather than an all-timer JRPG like I kept hearing.

Negatives: Boring and braindead easy gameplay, mediocre dungeons, awful platforming and a weird lack of audio in certain places (textbox and cutscenes). Story itself was barebones and serviceable at best.

Positives: Cute enemy designs, nice artstyle, music is solid for the most part (hate the battle themes). The length is also great being only 12ish hours for everything, Bowser was also an awesome throughout. Both of the Culex fights were awesome as well.

It's a solid remake but I feel like the game was overrated online. Way to easy and a bit of a boring JRPG throughout. Will give TTYD a try when it comes out next year and see if that's any better as I love JRPGs and Mario but this just didn't hit for me personally.

Lastly after finally playing Mario RPG for the first time after all these years I cannot believe Geno fans gaslight the internet into thinking he needs to be in smash, I'm shocked at how little screentime and relevancy this dude has. Mallow is infinitely more interesting and actually relevant to the plot.

Listen, I was a long time Vanillaware ride-or-die fan, but even I couldnt have anticipated the narrative hydrogen bomb they were cooking up in their basement. They pulled what I could only call a “trope blitz” to craft one of the most confusing (compliment) multithreaded narratives Ive ever seen in video games - and while this came at the expense of the actual gameplay, the inoffensive RTS systems are fun enough to toy around with that I didnt mind much.

I would have maybe appreciated a format where you actually get to see the mechs tho; the very distant, sterile treatment makes combat feel very alienated from the rest of the game. Vanillawares usual cheeky depiction of women gets a lil weird here as well when most of the cast is underage (not the best look)

Waited for so long for a Princess Peach game, and was excited to play it. Only to find a boring, easy game without any soul. Level design? Forget it, too hard. Cool mechanics? Sure! But let’s make it boring to use. Nintendo really needs to make a good Peach game with the upcoming switch one to make up for this fail.

Two men approach a ledge. They are underground in an incredibly hostile environment that neither could foresee arriving in when they woke up that morning. They are tired, mentally frayed and have an uneasy trust in each other based entirely on circumstances. The first man reaches the ledge, after an awkwardly long second staring he finally drops down the 3ft drop to continue along the dimly lit path. The second man approaches the ledge but rather than drop down he freezes, staring at it whilst his comrade looks at him perplexed. The man walks away from the ledge before coming back to it freezing again. He refused to jump down to continue their trek. Was it fear preventing him? Had the ordeal and horrors he'd witnessed finally pushed his mind to far?

No, it's just that playing House of Ashes in online co-op was a miserable buggy experience.

You see I played this with a friend, we play together nearly every evening and are always looking for a new Playstation co-op experience. We had enjoyed Man of Medan despite some issues and heard this game was supposedly all around the better of the two. We ran into constant technical problems though. Characters getting stuck, locking up for no reason. The game taking forever to actually perform an action, even picking up an item to look at was a complete chore of waiting 10 seconds to see if they would actually move. We had to quit out and restart half a dozen times to get past various sections and by the end we were frustrated by it all. The thing is it wasn't just the technical problems but a variety of issues built up leaving a bitter taste in our mouths. We beat the game, kind of hated it and moved onto Wild Hearts. The thing is, I decided to go back to it to see if the game was better playing it on my own and my second experience has left me softer towards it overall though certain flaws continue regardless of player occupancy.

For those unaware The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of horror games by developer Supermassive Games that are more like quick time event interactive movies. Your inputs decide the outcome and the wrong move at the wrong time can see characters permanently die and adjust the story outcome slightly. Our first issue with this game is the button prompts for these events. They are based on the PS5 controller with white buttons with the Cross, Triangle, Square and Circle symbols overlayed in grey. They aren't clear without colour to tell them apart and when you only have a second to work it out...well the design is awful. I went into the accessibility options to change them all to cross because it was implemented so badly when playing on my own. I will at least give them credit for those features.

A lot of the rest of the game has it's ups and downs as well. I really liked the setting going with a Mesopotamian historical influence which isn't something seen in games all too much. The modern plot setting there of the 2003 invasion of Iraq looking for chemical weapons however certainly is...a choice. It did allow a good relationship build up between two characters of Jason a lieutenant in the US marines and Salim a sergeant in the Iraqi army. Their characters and relationship are the two best parts of the whole game with some well written dialog and voice acting that bring them to life as being both professional and empathetic. If only the rest of the writing was as good or even competent because most of the other characters are just unrelatable buffoons. I didn't care for the forced interpersonal drama between 3 of them and was quite happy for them to die. They are needlessly confrontational, rude and in a lot of cases completely inconsistent. In one scene as an example:

Character 1: "What's there to think about? We go and save him"
Character 2: thinks about it for a second
Character 1: "He isn't one of us lets leave him"

It's like they are different people from line to line at times completely breaking immersion when they 180, never mind in the same conversation. Frankly except Jason and Salim they are all extremely unlikeable. I understand the developers want to build a varied cast that will leave difficult decisions for the player with conflict but they went overboard leaving a negative experience in a lot of scenes because I just didn't care about what happened to any of them.

The story also kind of lacks suspense and scares which I was surprised by. It has an interesting setting and atmosphere but it never really uses them to build up any tension or fear of the unknown. Except for a few scenes early on the game is more just a military shooter than a horror title. The magic is gone when the monster is revealed and the curtain gets drawn back. In this case it just happens all too early.

I will say my second playthrough was far more enjoyable overall regardless of the issues above. The only bugs playing solo was a trophy not unlocking (I had to disconnect from the internet and restart my PS5 replaying the scene to unlock it as a work around found by the community). I really like the visuals and general ideas presented here, they just needed more polish and to iron out the cast to a better degree. Still I am glad I went back to it as it has convinced me to play the second game in the series Little Hope which I had initially written off after my first playthrough of House of ashes, I just won't play it online...

+ Jason and Salim are great characters with an excellent comradery.
+ Visuals are gorgeous.
+ Mesopotamian setting is a nice choice.

- The other characters could all rot for all I care.
- Playstation quick time buttons are unclear.
- Online is a constant buggy mess and a semi bugged trophy.
- Not scary, no tension or build up.
- War setting is...a choice.

this is what i have been wanting for like for a year when i saw nintendo remaking there old games and after playing it i felt like my 7 year old self playing a mario game again

To say that I'm shook would be an understatement. To have this title turn from my most anticipated game of 2023 to one where I rushed to get the Platinum Trophy is quite insane. What the hell happened? I'll briefly attempt to explain.

For all of its improvements in the gameplay and traversal departments, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 just didn't hit the same as its predecessor for me. Any non-story related stuff was average at best or monotonous busywork at worst, there was more noticable jank in its design, and the story honestly lost me at the halfway point. And that last part is what stunk the most. This was an adaptation of the character I truly connected with and wanted to see more of. But now? I honestly don't care. Which is fine, but damn, what a bummer.

i couldn't care less for javier and his family, i gave these new characters a chance but, they're so one dimensional it's crazy.

thank god clemetine shows up in the third chapter of the first act or else this would've been a complete waste of time

this game is not good at all but it isnt terrible the forced romance between javi and kate really brings the story down it just left me with thinking...what was the point ??? javi is a great character though...

1 list liked by Taylan97