Incineroar @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 36 Atk / 148 Def / 20 SpD / 52 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Flare Blitz
- Parting Shot
- Knock Off

It's got a pretty good plot for a Star Wars game with fun gameplay and good visuals but it's held back by optimization you might expect from Pokémon, with all the specs' recommendations met or exceeded and medium low graphics settings the game's framerate regularly dips, it stutters and freezes for moments at a time. Wall and floor clipping isn't a rarity and its not uncommon for enemies to have their ai bug out or float above the ground, but hey, at least it hasn't crashed at all?

Overall the game is enjoyable but it hurts to see how much better it could be if the developers were given the time to optimise their game

The games pretty fun however the difficulty level tends to not be very stable, it's fun seeing elements of the SW universe from new angles so to speak however with its removal from official canon the story, lacklustre as it is to begin with, becomes even less relevant

The plot's been pretty great so far and the gameplay is solid, it's easily the best visual novel I've ever played. The experience could be improved by voice acting or more control settings such text speed up or the option for hints

As far as console tech demo/ controller guide etcetera games go this is flawless, however it is still just a tech/ controls demo at the end of the day

Recommended by a friend, I shall make sure to listen to that friend's suggestions more often now.
Possibly my favourite 3DS game, great SMT gameplay crossed with a NieR-esque Nietzschean plot makes for a great game, however a lot of tiny complaints build up to gatekeep it from a 10/10: why is Neutral Ending so conveluted, why are there only two save slots, why is there no N3DS C Stick support, why does the map lack labels or direction markers

The game feels kinda weird, the controls make it feel like an untested port at times and gameplay isn't the best while also managing to feel like it's high budget. So far the plot somehow feels both over the top American-ey and Anime-ey yet also has a curious draw to it that makes me consider going back to it

Sure is a Nintendo themed Picross, only additions I could ask for would be even more levels and maybe a better tutorial

All I remember about this game was thinking it was really average but better than some other better known 3DS RPGs like Bravely Default. I might pick it back up some time

I give Mario 64 2 stars, 0.5 of which only because you can play with Mario's nose. The game feels generally jank and tries to cram far too many moves into too few buttons.
I give Mario Sunshine 3.5 stars, I have no major complaints however the game generally feels kind of stale
I give Mario Galaxy 2 stars, the gravity is too awkward to enjoy
Overall I would have given this collection the average score of 2.5 stars, however Nintendo's anti consumer practices around this game leaves me giving it a 2 star

I do not understand how anybody enjoys this game. It's a rhythm game with dated, nonsensical mechanics, weak visuals and most importantly terrible music, I picked it up after constantly seeing people post about the series but clearly am blind to what others see in it

The 3DS has a function to tell your friends what your favourite game is, so far this is the option I found funniest to set mine as

[Ref Played 2023] It plays like a budget 2D Zelda with RPG elements, but that's not the worst thing a game can be
Pros: 2D Zelda hasn't released in a long time, the game feels pretty similar while being different enough to be satisfying and help scratch that itch
Cons: The touchscreen elements are pretty infuriating as well as the dated control system although that does help with the Zelda feel

Mario Kart with motion controls was a genius idea on Nintendo's part, it plays great and is a lot of fun

Pre installed on android phones, no internet connection needed, quick load times and fast games makes for the perfect waiting in a queue game, the game is satisfying to play and learn while still not needing your full concentration