Terrace's Single-Run Staples

In other words, these are the games that I can (mostly) handily beat it one sitting at any point without warning. I'm excluding Touhou games, because those are explicitly designed to be done in one sitting, and if I did include them, they'd constitute a third of the list.

Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited
Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited
I can practically beat this game in my sleep. My go-to characters are, unsurprisingly, either Sonic & Tails or Knuckles. When I'm in a rush, I'll use an old save file that already has the Emeralds collected, but of course I can collect the Emeralds if need be.
Mega Man X
Mega Man X
A gaming classic and my favorite run n' gun, if you consider it one. Sometimes I'll mix it up, but almost always I play the stages in the same order. I tend to get full armor, heart containers, and sub tanks.
Bleed 2
Bleed 2
A classic way of burning half an hour for me. The difficulty settings allow play at multiple levels, though I tend to stick to normal or hard. I also pretty much exclusively play Wryn on freestyle arcade mode.
Katana Zero
Katana Zero
I mean, the game literally has a speedrun mode. And considering you can beat it in under an hour, yeah, I find myself playing this one a lot. I never use any of the alternate weapons, always sticking with Prism Sword. Of course I skip cutscenes, as well as that agonizing extra boss.
The Messenger
The Messenger
A bit on the longer side for one sitting by my standards, but with enough streamlining, I can do it in just under three hours. I ignore power seals, of course, but collect most other items. Though, I do try and beat the dark cave blind.
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
The most streamlined Shovel Knight campaign, and easily my favorite. The lack of a map makes progression a bit quicker, upgrading is easy, and collecting all the Red Skulls is actually very enjoyable. Oh yeah, and Rail Mail all the way, baby.
Sonic Mania Plus
Sonic Mania Plus
I don't actually play this one as much as S3&K, but I still enjoy it thoroughly. My go-to characters are either solo Sonic, Knuckles, or Mighty. Compared to S3&K, I'm actually more likely to start a fresh file without any Emeralds, entirely because I like the special stages better.
PARTIALLY! Sorta. I could probably beat the first three episodes in one sitting, but I've never tried. Instead, I'll just beat one one episode in one sitting. I actually prefer them in ascending order (KDitD first, then TSoH, then Inferno). I've never actually beat TFC.
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X2
Scratches the same itch as its predecessor, so I'll switch to this one to keep things fresh. Similarly, I'll also
tend to play the stages in the same order, as well as collecting full armor, heart containers, and sub tanks.
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami
Not one I do too often, since I tend to favor the aesthetically similar but fundamentally distinct Katana Zero, but I'll go for this one if I want a longer ride. Of course, I play non-completionist, not collecting any of the puzzle pieces, and I just use the masks I already gathered.
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure
PARTIALLY! I've never beat the whole game in one sitting, but I have beat Sonic's campaign in one sitting, and that's far and away my favorite one. This is one of my favorite 3D platformers, and Sonic's campaign is the most comprehensive of the bunch, so it's a great time.


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