I don't really like the Battle Royale format, but it had a watered down version of Titanfall's gameplay that made it fun.

Excellent multiplayer. The stars are oriented towards the terrible singleplayer campaign that was very lacking in player freedom and creativity, absolutely filled to the brim with many of the (at the time) standard cliches of modern military shooters of the time.

Very creative and interesting take. The bloodsucking mechanic to recover health is a great addition, but the overall level design and gameplay suffers from an overall lack of polish, budget and probably development time.

Brutally difficult and enjoyable. Completely recommended as an alternative to the Devil May Cry series.

From a merely mechanical perspective, this is the peak of Borderlands. It is extremely entertaining to play and most of the design problems or criticism of the previous entries have been either fixed or completely improved upon. Even the world building has taken some cues from Pre-sequel and the first entry, in order to provide a better background that doesn't rely entirely on making wacky referential jokes.

But then, there's the issue with the narrative, where the player does most if not all the job, while getting completely deprived of agency wherever a cutscene rolls up and implies that your very powerful character suddenly just stood there and watched as important events unfolded, and not even once made an attempt to stop them, or at least let players watch in real time while it happens, without forcing them to watch a confusing cutscene.

There's also a feeling that they were running out of time for the vanilla game, because the last third of it feels somewhat, lacking the focus and attention to detail that the first half of the game proudly showcased.

Great co-op shooter for local or online play, with great emphasis on cooperation an teamwork. Aesthetically decent, even for a 7th gen Unreal powered game. Unfocused story that works more as an excuse to give context for the levels.

Mediocre shooting mechanics, very common among the 7th gen of consoles. Inconsistent level design with barebones AI. Somewhat saved by the aesthetics of handheld camera recording.


Excelent game. Most of the shortcomings can be forgiven when taking into account the troubled development, and the great story nicely woven into the narrative and overall gameplay design.

The story is garbage, but the improvements made to many of the gameplay aspects made it a lot more enjoyable as a sequel. At least on a purely mechanical level.