Played it safe for a sequel and story wasn't as great as the original, but the gameplay and graphics level up in every way.

American Eagle Screech Intensifies.

Story was okay to the point where I left off, unfortunately my save file got corrupted and have no desire to redo that progress. Detective cases were an interesting concept.

Similar vibes to LIS with a decent protagonist and somewhat interesting mystery.

Unpopular, but I like it. It's a fun time.

Great stylization in a fighting game. Alsoo Dee Jay and Zangief best characters, argue with a wall.

You get to create your own Dragon Ball character and fuck some people up.

Decent enough especially if you are invested in Chloe, but does stumble a bit more in writing and pacing than the other games.

What an insane fumble with that stacked of a roster.

Profoundly okay. Harry Potter nostalgia carries.

The definition of utterly stupid, but fun.

Struck a great balance between utter ridiculousness and a gang rivarly drama epic.