Borderlands definitlely knows the key to proper world-building.

A roller coaster of emotions from start to finish is the best way to descrbe this game.

A feat of technological marvel with a decent story.

Goddamn, how'd the plague get even worse?!

Struck a great balance between utter ridiculousness and a gang rivarly drama epic.

The definition of utterly stupid, but fun.

An incredibly atmospheric game that focuses on a tragic murder mystery.

I got the bad ending first time around and it actually made me think I'd be a terrible older brother in real life.

Solid story that explores the important of processing different emotions and balancing them to find peace combined with a solid corporation conspiracy storyline.

Pretty traditional Mafia movie story just told with fun gameplay.

Still a decent Mafia plot with gameplay that has aged a bit and not necessarily for the better.

A story that questions where we draw the line when it comes to sentience and knowing when to stop and revaluate whether what we are currently doing is right or not.

Not the typical game I'd go far, but honestly a quite comforting and cozy game.

A world with some solid world-building and an interesting mix of characters you meet. Going through the perspective of different runaways and getting to alter their personalities was a cool feature and the art style is fun and exciting.