332 reviews liked by ThatOneJackal

There are no words to describe how much I detest the fact that the creators put passion into this shitty fucking game. I hate it. I hate it so much.

Gameplay-wise, nothing to brag about. You use a dinky little controller to control a janky drone that stops midair half the time.
Story-wise, I think the game expects you to care more than it does, or maybe it doesn't. Regardless, the papers you collect are only there for some wannabe MatPat (or MatPat himself) to scrounge up a shitty timeline of events.

Colorblindness Test: F
Doing the fucking blocks in the Jumbo Josh section made me want to rip my fucking hair out. Color is a very integral part of the game's "puzzles" so of course my ass is going to struggle.

If you're going to spend money on this game, legitimately go buy something else, it'll make you happier in the end and you can just watch Markiplier play it or something.


Being assaulted by an unskippable, hand-holdey, ignorant tutorial full of very obvious information and an onslaught of paragraphs describing 3 different currencies and how a goddamn battle pass works is a really great introduction to a somehow even worse feeling re-release. Nothing says "Smash-killer" like a game so ignorant of it's own target audience that it pretends anyone playing this game hasn't already played Smash about 1000 times before.

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer-thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.

I like the story a lot, AM is one of the best villains out there and the scenarios you go through with each character are interesting. Gameplay is simple being just a point-and-click adventure game the puzzles are obtuse and don't really make much sense but I like them.

Incapable of separating this game and its source material from the TF2 fan-fiction version that I read when I was sixteen.

For a game that's just mindless button mashing and run-and-gun bullshit without any plot or substance whatsoever, it's real fucking stingy with ammo. If it didn't wear RE's brand as a skin suit, no one would give a shit about this game. If that wasn't enough, I can't imagine that the designers had ever played a video game when they were designing these barbaric, clunky controls. The required use of three hands to run and turn your ass at the same time is broken beyond redemption. Tank controls barely worked in a slower paced game like RE0, why did these morons think it would work in a "super fast action kick butt woo" new direction for the series?

good games don't age.

that's the statement I want gamers to understand because wow this is actually really fucking good! especially for such an early title in the NES' life span. it has everything you expect from a metroidvania, like the non-linear map structure, the power ups you pick up to boost yourself, the exploration, the sequence breaking, the speedrun potential, it's all here and it holds up surprisingly well for being 38 years old.
it is very fun to explore Zebes while looking at the 8 bit sprites and listening to the 30 seconds chiptune songs. sure it is very cryptic but that's not necessarily a bad thing; Metroid is a game that is meant to be replayed and where you're supposed to take notes and potentially make maps on your own, especially with the overall layout of Zebes being given away in the manual. god this is such a cool game with how rough everything is and yet how you're able to see the foundations for how the Metroid series and all those inspired by it use to this very day, both in terms of lore (the manual calls Samus a cyborg lol) and in terms of gameplay. it's simple but efficient. you really feel Samus growing more and more powerful as you acquire more items until you get the screw attack and varia suit and then you basically become invincible. controlling Samus is very intuitive and fun, even if she is a bit too slippery for my taste.

there are two "problems" that only exist because of technical limitations, which is the lack of backgrounds making every room feel extremely similar, and also I can practically hear the console crying whenever more than 5 things come on screen and how much lag it causes. there's also the lack of save station which s understandable cause many games on the NES didn't have

now with how impressive this game is, there are some choices that make it extremely hostile to play, and especially one egregious flaw: Metroid loves to waste your time. there are so many traps and dead ends that are made to waste your time and force you to do unnecessary backtracking. this isn't "aged game design", this is the level designers purposefully being annoying, and that's what keeps Metroid from being something I'll replay often. the lack of a map, very few landmarks and repetitive rooms doesn't help navigation either.

still, Metroid is a great game that I recommend everyone plays, at the very least for historical values. and who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it too.

[Played at https://jettlee.itch.io/yakuza-gb]

A cool effort. Clearly a lot of work was put into the details here so I commend the creator for their work. Baller move making it play on actual gameboy hardware rather than just a fan game that looks like the gameboy style. Playing it, however, is a bit of a repetitive slog. I was hoping for some side scrolling beat-em-up style action, but the enemies in here just walk all the way to the left of the screen, and then all the way to the right of the screen. Then when they reach you, they punch. Over and over. I didn't make it all the way to the boss because I got the idea after 2 screens.

I would hope for the gameplay to get more refined, but if this is all that there will be then it was a pretty decent little fan project!

i actually played this a fucking while ago but i completely forgot to log it. this game makes me feel like i'm going insane. playing this makes my mouth feel dry and my bones go stiff. pathologic's tedium as designed could never even compare to the experience of playing all of metroid in one sitting. i love this game. i will never play this game ever again. played on the switch NES thingy

i tried to play this without guides or anything like that at first, but i'm not gamer enough to do this. even when i used one, i still felt constantly as if i would have a stroke every single damn time i entered a room. this is not the first search action game, it's actually the first survival horror game: navigating into a horrific and menacious environment, while having to administrate resources and without a single map!! even with your jumps and shootings you still have to search for better shootings and bigger jumps as a stray dog looking for food. it's amazing how it even has checkpoints, but you start with 30 HP only and almost no missiles! it's a cursed but yet interesting experience. i need some water, though.