Shockingly good looking at times. Thought the story was compelling enough. The gameplay and technical sides are both very unpolished feeling

A lot of fun for a spinoff, good new characters and fun gameplay.

Really good but buggy and weak combat

Real cute game with a bit of jank. Very good time

I am glad I experienced some visual novels before trying. I ended up liking it more in the end then to start. Can not deny how bad some parts of the graphics look but oh well

Shit doesn't even work. You should not have to wait in a queue to play a solo match lol. What a mess

The rest of the game isnt good enough to carry the weak ending.

Arkane... How?.... Why? What could of possibly led to this piece of underdeveloped, unfinished, borderline garbage game be your newest release? I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed. Xbox's future is looking grim, and I'm not convinced Starfield will help.

Had some frame drops and some minor glitches but I got pretty lucky on Xbox. Its exactly what you want in a sequel, an improvement on the original in nearly every way. Excited for the next one

My brother bought the extended edition of this and we could not make it an hour before abandoning it. Buggy and just really rough around every edge. An easy "avoid it"

bought this becuz i was expecting it to be worse with all the hate and a bad game sounded fun. dialogue can be cringe but there is so much worse out there lol. Haven't finished so idk if the story is any good but so far the gameplay is really cool.

Really dang rough, glad I didn't have to pay for it lol

I absolutely love Dead Space and this was one of my most anticipated games this year. But I never expected it to surpass the OG. It doesn't of course but not going in with (kinda unrealistic expectations tbh) led to an experience I'm really happy for. New Game Plus is needed please