This game frequently puts me in the annoying position of having to defend a game I don't like that much because I think most of the criticisms people have of it are stupid. Oh well.

The Big the Cat story singlehandedly knocks an entire star off the score here

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Now, Takuji Mamiya may be what one might call a "deranged cult leader" but he's a good person at heart, I swear!

...Why are you looking at me like that?

A game with a lot of charm but also a lot of bullshit. The bullshit reaches critical mass in Fight or Flight, a level in the third and final chapter of the game, and the reason why I have not and likely will not ever actually beat this game. Of course, plenty of good games have bad levels in them, and this is a good game. I just really enjoy moving around in this game, more than in most games I've played, even if it can be janky at times. And the soundtrack is obviously amazing. So, I do like this game, despite its flaws.

This game is fun! Sure, it has a lot of the jank you'd expect of a game that basically created an entire genre, but I can definitely forgive it for that. A classic, through and through.

I spent two years of my life on this game

Much better as a platform for mods than it is as an actual game