Love the negotiation-battles and I love the charm of the characters and world. Really well done. A fascinating game utterly worth playing if one is at all interested.

Too hard for me, even on easy mode I struggled greatly on the first base building mission.

Some cool stuff here, but the game is very limited, much more than I expected. I think the sequel is probably a lot better.

Fun, quaint little puzzle game for sure, but I was quite disappointed by the lack of depth. Was really hoping there would be more fossil types.

Fun, low stakes, casual game. Nice to chill with

Wanted to like this more than I did. I adore that it is doing some things very reminiscent of Act Raiser, but the actual gameplay feels a bit lack luster.

The side scrolling portions are ok but feel a bit boring and the overworld stuff I wish had a bit more complexity to it.

Holding out hope that they'll make a sequel or a similar game and improve upon these things, a lot of cool stuff in here that could really shine if they put more into it I think.

This game has a lot of cool stuff going for it, if you're interested I definitely recommend it. The dialogue in particular is really charming and amusing, probably my favorite part of the game. The combat is pretty fun as well, although I found a lot of the artwork during the combat to be kinda ugly and not as good as the rest of the artwork in the game generally.

The overall rogue-lite aspect of the game is kinda disappointing too, it took so long to get through one playthrough it hardly feels like a rogue-lite and they even seem to have some sort of Nemesis system in there a-la Shadmor, but it never even came into play for me.

Really hoping they make another one because I think if they put more time and polish into it it could really be something special!

A delightful little game filled to the brim with charm. It was so delightful, in fact, that I was actually quite disappointed that it couldn't deliver more. I hope they make a bigger and better sequel.

This game was so intense, so spooky and unsettling I shelved it after just a an hour or so. That's not an indictment, that's high praise. That's just how good this game is at creating a stressful atmosphere of dread.

As a big fan of the original I was seriously bummed out with the direction they went with this game visually. I got used to as best I could, but it's still a bummer.

Only played the first realm really, side-scrolling stuff was mediocre at best, but I really enjoyed the realm management parts. Would like to play more if I didn't have more pressing games to play.

I didn't get too far into this one. I went off to an area I clearly wasn't meant to go to so early and tooled around there a bit. Lost all my health there and couldn't find a way to recover it. Finally I went off to the training grounds I was meant to go to and promptly died at some spikes because I had no health. Apparently there is no autosaving feature or anything because it just Game Overed me and I had to reboot the save which started me at the beginning and after that I was done. I am sure this game has a lot more to offer if some actual time is put into it, I barely got to experience the game I think so I can't say much about it unfortunately.

I wanted to like this game, cool aesthetic and all. Seemed like it was gonna be a fun time but the combat, unfortunately, is like Dead Cells if they never smoothed out all the kinks. Big disappointment.

Cool art, cool concept, clumsy execution. Some might have a great time with this but it was a little too janky for me.

Sort of simplified, Chinese, lower budget version of Hades. Fun game.

Great music and visuals but the controls are counterintuitive and you can't change them. It's a bit glitchy at times and the controls aren't as responsive as they should be. Alost there are very few save points and if you die you lose all progress after your last save. Lot of potential in this game but it feels half baked unfortunately.