Actually a pretty good expansion. It really improved on the base game. AI was better and boss battles were decent.

I really wanted to play this game, but I couldn't get past the really awkward running animation.

This game was so depressing I stopped playing. I don't think that detracts from it though.

This game was so depressing I stopped playing. And I think that does detract from it.

The music actually owns in this game.

Really neat concept. I've never played anything like it.

Only after many hours of backtracking did I discover that I could, in fact, make that wallrun to that platform.

You get to be bread. What else do you want?

I wanted to like this game but man was it tiresome to start all the way over from the beginning every time you died, which was often.

This game was brimming with creativity and wackiness, and had a pretty good soundtrack to boot. Near the end of its development they really started to get it polished up and started instituting more settlement building stuff. I wanted so much more settlement building, but it never came.

Worth checking out though, this game is wild!

A lot of potential here, unfortunately wasted. When I was playing this game I literally decided to finish the game so I could forget about it and not be stuck remembering it forever because I didn't beat it. Which worked really well, actually.

Great game, but i didn't beat it because of the weird part at that end that wasn't in the original Super Metroid. I beat all the other stuff so I still consider it a win.

Some mediocre shootin and time controls with an even more mediocre story. If you haven't played it, don't. If you have played it, I'm sorry to hear that.