Story is really good, graphics can’t be beaten, music great, combat feels smooth but now it’s only 1v1 and way easier than the first.
The boss fights are really good but they are literally the same so even tho they are good, why repeat.
Puzzles are easier than ever, literally just walk to solve them.

A classic, soundtrack, gameplay, all the partners with their abilities, such a good game.

Good game, sadly it ends here since the “sequel” is ass

one of the best games, most of the times misunderstood, you can be a bully but the main story revolves around you stopping the bullying in the school.

Good combat but missions are repetitive, story was also good but ambiguous ending

Pretty good, the ending starts to drag a bit tho

Great, side scroller levels are really good, some temples are annoying, also love the gba connection.

Really good game, changes a lot from other Zelda games with new items and ways to do stuff.