If you ever saw a dark blue cat with a huge forehead called Oliver running around Toontown Central spamming Speedchat messages about what toontasks they had to do then I would like to personally apologize to you

I'm not particularly bothered by animal death but around 4 or so of my Wobbledogs all died at once from old age and it knocked the wind out of me so hard I had to put the game down. I still haven't gotten around to starting back on my save file yet.

To quote verbatim from my Steam review, "I understand where James McAvoy was coming from. This really is a good game."

I've played nearly all versions, often at the same time, and I don't want any second I spent playing back. I'm not addicted.

Joke review: Great! Now where's Skyrim 2?

Real review: It's an alright game but pales in comparison to the previous entries in the franchise. I'm certainly biased when it comes to how games look and feel. I can put up with a lot of BS if the game itself is good enough. However, Skyrim is where I draw the line with its atrocious menus.

He got me. The Patron Saint of Scammers and Used Car Salesmen everywhere got me. He delisted this version on Steam and forced my hand since I never bought the DLC.

Don't tell Jagex but I made an alt account and pretended it was my brother so I could beat the Shield of Arrav quest alone. I don't even have a brother.

Why did I get this? It's exactly what you think an iOS game on Steam would be like.

Don't be a fool like I was and be absolute certain you can run the default settings. It was slightly too much for my desktop. 4.5/5 It was 100% worth getting Destroyed.

Remember Behind the Meme? The same royalty free music he used plays throughout the entire game. Other than that it's exactly what you'd expect and easy to relax with.

I want to go back in time and stop myself from ever touching this game in the first place. If I wanted to play an unfunny looter shooter I'd play Border Lands. The only reason I have as many hours as I do in it is from struggling to get the achievement for settlement happiness and pure idling.

GoldyDorado01 said it best in their review. This expansion pretty much exists to add the HD Pack and not much else in the way of substance.

I first heard of this game was through the Sierra Death Generator and I honestly thought it was about space pirates. Still a damn good game but I want my space pirates.


This review contains spoilers

One of those games that get announced at E3 and then nobody ever hears from again. If you were wondering what happens to them it's because nobody has anything to say about them. Tons of visual glitches that kept me from getting fully immersed in the experience, if you turn down the music in the settings the ending (unskippable) cutscene is also affected, and if I had known that I would have to end up in a relationship I would've just went with the Blockbuster lady. Much better chemistry between the two than with the lumberjack.