While the game world is massive there's not a lot to do but gawk at the scenery most of the time.

Fun rougelite where you pick up gear in a run/the shop and slowly get better gear eventually making it easy to beat it every time. Currently only one level but devs are adding more.

So much side content i haven't even done half of it.

Although people may have hated the artstyle it actually isn't that bad. The fights don't feel difficult but gym leaders and the elite 4 definitely are.

Fun twist on city-building. My town got wrecked when the useless doctors couldn't heal one sick guy.

Fun game that you can beat in a couple of hours. Lots of side quests to do.

Don't have to spend an insane amount on the physical version and don't have to find a time with people to be able to play.

If you want to have a difficult experience definitely turn some modifiers on.

One bad thing is that about half of the time the game will try to load me into a match for about 2-3 minutes and then it will give me an error.

If you like previous KH games you'll probably like this. This is a game more made for children as the combat is just mash X to win.

Climbing is sort of finnicky but everything else is fine.