An amazing compact tactics game with a lot of depth packed into each 4 turn battle. Each turn is like a little puzzle to solve. Punch that bug away from the building it's after. Make the other bug hit its friend. Shield the power plant with your mech's body. The options available to you depend on both your starting squad and how you build over a campaign providing huge replay value. On easy it's simple but satisfying, on normal fraught but manageable. Either way, it's engaging and rewarding. <3

A very impressive narrative game that tells the eponymous Florence's story through a series of simple little microgames. Each is relatively simple and hard to fail, but immerses you a little deeper into Florence's life. The way they seamlessly transition from one to the next ties the whole thing together, making it feel cohesive and keeping you locked in. While the game isn't too long, while it lasts it sucks you in and paints you a lovely picture of Florence's life. Worth experiencing.

Driving around the big open world aimlessly while listening to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne on repeat is a lot of fun. The driving model feels good and there's lots of shortcuts to discover, fences to drive through and billboards to smash up which is great. However, it's not all great. The races are all from random place to random place and the GPS is not very easy to follow making that whole part of the game a bit crap. Also could use fast travel. Still, it's a lot of fun to mindlessly explore.

A beautiful cooperative game that is, mostly, pretty dull. It's nice to look at the water and go "goddamn, that water looks great" and if you can get a crew together to sail the seas it's not bad, it's just usually very mindless. Sail places, get ashore, get some treasure, maybe kill a skeleton or some such along the way. I have had no grander pirate adventure in my time with the game, but I've heard tell of those who have. While those tales can be thrilling, my voyages have been okay at best.

A huge complicated character building system surrounds what is essentially a Left 4 Dead style coop game only without variety. Each level I saw was pretty generic and I got tired of going through them long before I started getting anything good as far as equipment, talent trees and so forth goes. To get far along in this seems like a lot of work to put into game where each level is kind of the same. While the gameplay seems perfectly good, it just lacks the replay value needed to make that work.