Amazing puzzle game that’s more hype than it ever needs to be. Hitting dingers with Bjorn at 3am is a spiritual experience.

Fun switching between the trio made them all feel unique to play. Harry felt familiar and strong, Hermione was key with the range of spells, and Ron was a burden. The recipe collection for classes sucked but the Hogwarts grounds were very cozy.

Despite it being Ridge Racer with licensed cars and an actual story this game is criminally overlooked.

An actual stand out mobile game, clicker made by one guy with a surprising ending that I really enjoyed.

Definitely a low point in the franchise but I have a soft spot for the Doom 3 Engine, the lighting in the 360 version is broken btw.


I find the NieR father story line was so much more compelling than the brother one. I suppose that was the idea when they made the change for the western 360 demographic, because that's me.


I love Turok, I love killing dinos with a machine gun.

I'm a full shill for Remedy and hopefully always will be, Control shows that Remedy is the best there is and they know it. Satisfying combat and an extremely interesting setting makes this game stand out so much. I have to add that the connected universe stuff they started to work together with this and Quantum Break is done very well.

This generations Arkham, combat’s a little bland but the story is so damn good you can’t put it down.

Took Halo 2 and added a nice shiny coat of paint, personally wasn’t enough to bring it above 2. Arbiter and Chief at their best, and what we thought was Bungie’s end to the trilogy would have been a perfect send off.

A graphical upgrade with very little improvements from HR, but that art direction and soundtrack manage to elevate this one just enough.

Absolute classic, the rise of Marty O’Donnel. Some of the best level design and gameplay on the console, weak second half though.

A mid tier immersive sim with boring dialogue, an ending with an easy moral decision, and a non lethal route only available in this directors cut. I love this game.

I understand the hate crowd for this game, but as it was my first I had no standing bias for the rest of the series. Extremely emotional game about brothers and growing up. Killer soundtrack and huge boss fights that I remember today.

Can't play yet, need an EU playstation 2