Alistair and Zip shut the fuck up.

The game has only start and end there is no middle and the plot is awful.

This game is good like really good. Just a shame there are a few major cracks especially in character select menu UI and the complete lack of replay ability in the individual episodes as so much content happens in the games open world and seems to be completely unplayable again while the actual levels often seem to lack much content of depth. The open world is amazing though and the game is great. Just doesn’t feel fully complete somehow and is lacking things crucial to Lego games

Cant wait to spent 40 years completing the open world btw

Tomb raider one but with awful clunky controls boring game play terrible combat and butt ugly beige graphics.

Honestly how do you make tomb raider one look prettier than a game on the Xbox 360. The failures of this game are really impressive. With ruining some the most iconic moments of video games by having them happen in life less cutscenes with awful quick time events instead of happening naturally in gameplay. Every location is ruined by both the graphics and the platforming being tied to the awful grappling hook
And don’t get me started on the awful boss fights. Yeah not a fan.

Played this when this came out as a mobile game it was great for a phone game. Bought it today on steam and still a really fun and great little turn based puzzle game

‘Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd‘

Such a great resource management shop owner game with such a beautifully delicious dark twist that speaks so dear to story I love.

It’s fun, it’s gruesome and it’s just wicked. Some great storytelling that is full of wit and humour to balance out the fact that you are cooking people into pies.

“How gratifying for once to know:
That those above will serve those down below!”

The image of barbies youngest sister standing under huge bold text that read “grooming” is an image that will be burned into my head till I die

I’m a Scott Shelby apologist.

This game is just hollow and empty. Like The part of this game I got the most joy from was making sure my son had a great day and then spending 40 minutes replaying the section where you cut off one of your own fingers to see all the ways I could dice it off

Playing the sex scene was traumatic tho and I felt disgusted.

Honestly I don’t get how you can’t love this game. Sure the platforming is utter dog shit just grow up

Kinda a mess with awful platforming at times but also slays in so many ways Lara Croft has never slayed before. Like I can’t tell if I love it or don’t like it. Really love the story.
Do absolutely love how this game is like a reverse male action film with the only men being useless or dying to make the protagonist sad. It slays

The Mexico section is awful tho

This has so much potential and the gameplay is so fun and such a great twist on the game. I just wish it wasn’t one level repeated and then no boss fight at the end. I was so hyped for a boss fight and I just had told punch a button. A waste of the amazing game mechanics made for this

It’s so odd to see that in a game that wants to make Lara Croft a ‘strong female character’ it takes away so many of her strengths and characters from previous games and then slowly beats her down and brutally abuses her every chance it gets. Just to tell a story that brews down to she shot the bad guy. Like why did Lara need to almost be sexually assaulted for this basic story to be told.
You robbed a character of all her power and then throughout a game slowly drip fed her parts of her old power while exploitatively beating her any chance you got just so you could claim you made her a stronger more feminist character than ever.
It’s such a strange thing that this game got praised for making Lara stronger and a better character when it did nothing like that.

Gameplay is cool tho don’t like how the game feels so on rails tho with having an odd explorable game world you can not explore till post game. Also the tombs are shit

Lara Croft is stronger than Jesus.
I feel like playing all the tomb raiders has made me see the decline of the games industry in away I have never seen it before. Like I used to love this game and now I just see it as the boring on rails experience it is and it hurts so bad. Probably because so many games in the industry have just become these similar dull experiences filled with the same tricks and gimmicks to make you think the game is good and action packed.

I use to love this game so much but now I just get frustrated at how great gameplay is stopped by annoying limitations on this game just so it can continue working like a theme park ride. It’s just the same as all these awful ‘cinematic’ games.

It’s pretty sad seeing a game as multi choice and trap filled as the original Tomb Raider Franchise become boiled down to running from corridors to corridors with fake manufactured on rails adrenaline sequences gluing them together

Honestly I can’t personally give this the 2 stars it deserves because 17 year old me would kill me.

Pretty standard Post PT horror game with some great puzzles and concepts but many parts that really aren’t connected well

Still if your looking for a good scare this game is pretty good choice.