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Nancyfly earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

NightmareModeGo completed Still Wakes the Deep
The Hing

I cannae tell you how nice it is to hear actual Scottish folk voicing Scottish characters. I'm so used to it obviously being English actors, or Americans sounding more Irish than anything else. Never did I think I'd be playing a game where I heard "scunnert", or "cunt" used so correctly and not sounding forced.

It sounds silly to talk about R E P R E S E N T A T I O N when you're white and bald with a beard. I've been well catered to appearace-wise for many years, but I never knew I wanted Scottish stuff so badly until I got it. A single line in this near the end made me burst into tears, and I just don't know if it hits the same way if you're not from here.


3 days ago

Nancyfly followed SiammeDarc

4 days ago

BeachEpisode commented on BeachEpisode's review of Still Wakes the Deep
@Goffers They're very dissimilar games. How are you with the Amnesia series? Still Wakes the Deep is more akin to that game than Dear Esther, the contrast being a game that one is largely a linear story-driven horror game with a handful of puzzle elements enemy/environmental hazards with distinct characters & goals, and the other game is a breezy walkabout that delivers purple prose until credits start rolling.

4 days ago

BeachEpisode commented on BeachEpisode's review of Still Wakes the Deep
Just looked her up to only now learn that Jessica Curry had to leave the studio not long after Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, due to a degenerative disease that made worse dealing with how demeaning the business side of of game dev was for artists. It's a gutting read, she absolutely went through it. Don't think she ever got her flowers despite making some very significant contributions to games music imo.

4 days ago

4 days ago

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